Salad with bell peppers

Bulgarian or sweet pepper is a very popular culture. In sweet pepper contains many useful substances, namely: vitamins C, R and group B, valuable trace elements and plant fibers, flavonoids, antioxidants and capsoicin in small amounts. The use of thermally unprocessed Bulgarian pepper in dishes is beneficial for the cardiovascular, digestive, excretory, nervous and immune systems of the human body. Also regular use of sweet peppers is effective prevention of cancer and Alzheimer's disease.

Bulgarian pepper is a part of different dishes, but it is most useful in salads. So, more often we include Bulgarian pepper in our diet: red, yellow, green - we prepare salads from it, beautiful and useful.

Salad with red bell pepper, tomato and cheese



We cut the peeled onion into quarter rings, pepper - short straws, tomatoes - slices. Cheese cut into small cubes (and if dryvat - three on a large grater). Greens, hot peppers and garlic finely chopped. We connect all the ingredients in a salad bowl.

For filling, mix vegetable oil with lemon juice. Pour the salad and mix. You can use as a refueling natural live unsweetened yogurt . We serve with meat and fish dishes.

To make a salad of Bulgarian pepper, ham and cheese, we use not cheese , but hard cheese (Dutch, for example). Ham is enough 200-300 g, other ingredients and proportions - as in the previous recipe (see above). Tomatoes in this salad are not required.

Sour salad of beans and bell pepper with ham



Open the jar of beans and drain the syrup. We wash the beans with boiled water and put it in a salad bowl, along with the ham, cut into short, thin sheets. We add chopped straws with Bulgarian pepper and leeks (circles or half rings). Greens, garlic and hot pepper chop finely and also add to the salad bowl. Sprinkle with a mixture of oil and vinegar (3: 1 ratio) and mix. We serve as an independent dish for a light light table wine.

Salad with bell peppers and squid



Kalmarov scalded with boiling water, cleaned from the skin and cartilage, boil for 3 minutes (no more). Let's cut squids short stripes or spirals, and the Bulgarian pepper - a short straw. Green onions and garlic chopped finely. All prepared will be placed in a salad bowl. Let's add sea kale. Pour a mixture of butter with lemon juice (3: 1) and mix.

Salad with bell pepper, cucumbers and cabbage


Cut the peppers and cucumbers arbitrarily. Shred cabbage. You can add chopped greens and garlic. Pour a mixture of vegetable oil and lemon juice. Serve with meat and fish dishes.