How to teach a child to crawl on all fours?

Crawling on all fours is one of the most important skills that a baby should learn in the first year of life. It is through this method of movement that a small person learns the world around him, his coordination in space improves, the muscles of the back, shoulder girdle and extremities strengthen.

In addition, crawling is a preparatory step before walking, and most modern pediatricians strongly recommend not to miss this stage of development. In this article we will tell you how to teach a child to crawl on all fours, and when it can be started to do.

When can I begin to teach a child to crawl on all fours?

The decisive importance for the child's acquisition of the skill of self-crawling on all fours has a massage. Do it necessary, starting with the month of age. As for exercises, they can be started from 4-5 months. The duration of daily gymnastics at this age should not exceed 30-40 minutes.

How to teach a baby to crawl on all fours?

In order to introduce the child to the skill of self-crawling, you need to place toys and other items of interest at a sufficient distance. In addition, to teach the baby to crawl on all fours will help such exercises as:

  1. Put the baby on his tummy, and in front of him, just above his head, hang a bright toy. If the subject is interested in a crumb, he will rise on his hands and stretch in his direction. So, gradually, the child will form a support for direct hands, which is very important for the forthcoming crawl.
  2. Roller or a small pillow, place under the baby's chest so that the chest and head crumbs hang, and the abdomen and legs are on a flat surface. Let the child play for a while, being in this position, it will strengthen his vestibular apparatus.
  3. Place the cushion under the belly and breast of the newborn so that his limbs hang over the floor. After a while the child will want to lean on the handles and legs and will be forced to stand on all fours.
  4. Put the crumb on all fours and place a bright toy in front of it. Let her mother take the baby by the hand, and dad - by the feet. Adults should alternately move forward the child's left hand, then - the right foot and so on. Gradually, the baby will learn how to move independently.

Do not forget that little children are very fond of imitating adults. For this reason, mom and dad need to show by their example how you can move on all fours. Such a fun game is sure to please the kid, and he will necessarily want to repeat the actions of the parents.