Ceramic fan heater

Additional heating of the rooms becomes relevant when there are interruptions with central heating, as well as in the off-season - when it has not been switched on or already switched off. One of the simplest means that will not let you freeze is the fan heater. They have a number of advantages: low price, compactness, high speed of space heating, easy operation.

Regardless of the type and manufacturer, all fan heaters are designed simply and consist of:

So how to choose a fan heater, if all of them, by and large, are the same?

People who use this technique are advised to focus on the type of heating element, from which such devices are divided into two types:

If we compare these two types of fans, then spiral has only one obvious advantage - low price, otherwise they lose significantly to ceramic fan heaters.

Features of ceramic fan heaters

Features of the use of fan heater household ceramic:

Depending on the model, ceramic heaters can be wall-mounted or outdoor, portable. The obvious plus of the first is the possibility to fix the device on a stable safe place at the same time is a minus, because sometimes there is a need for a mobile heating device.