Children's jokes

Young mothers know how important it is to communicate with a baby. In the first years of life, crumbs parents often use such an element of children's folklore as jokes. These are short poems that allow you to entertain the little creature, to interest and laugh it.

Features of jokes

In these verses or songs, an event is described, the actor of which may be an animal, a person or a bird. These are short fairy tales, written in such a manner that allows you to keep the attention of the kids. This is facilitated by repetitions, paired rhymes, a distinct rhythm, a vivid description.

Children's rhymes-jokes help the child's acquaintance with the world around him, allow him to distract him, to interest him. They help to establish contact between parents and baby. In addition, such creativity raises the child's mood, gives positive emotions, which is necessary for full-fledged development .

Kinds of children's songs-jokes

Most of the verses are easily remembered, and to learn them by heart, it is enough for the mother to repeat just a couple of times. Mom can learn different options, and the kid probably then will show what exactly likes him the most. For the youngest, you can choose children's jokes, familiar to everyone from childhood.

Bear tiptoe in the woods,

He gathers cones, sing songs.

Suddenly a lump fell right in front of the bear,

Mishka was angry and his foot - top .


There is a goat horned for small children,

Who does not eat porridge,

Who does not drink milk,

Cares, cares.

Kids will be happy to listen to songs, the heroes of which are animals or birds. This creativity will allow mommy to distract the kid, to calm him.

A dog in the kitchen bakes pies.

The cat in the corner crackers jostles.

A cat sews a dress in the window.

The hen in the boots shakes the floors.

Has swept out the hut, has put a floor:

- Lie down the mat, under the threshold, on the barrel.



Petya is a red scallop,

On the path he went

And found a penny,

I bought my boots,

A chicken - earrings.


Dariks, dariki, mosquitoes were waving.

Vylis, twisted, twisted

And they clung to the cheek -


Also known are such childish jokes-jokes, as tall tales or flip-flops. In their plot, in an incredible form, some phenomenon or action is played out. But due to the fact that it is familiar to the child, he quickly catches the correct state of things. Similar rhymes like even the older guys. They not only amuse kids, but also help the development of imagination and imagination .

Spring has come to us again

With sledges, skates!

Spruce from the forest brought,

Candles with lights!


What kind of geese they ran,

Ears and tails?

Who is after them?

Maybe the horses are in the car?

No! They flee from fear,

What will catch up with the turtle!