Complex exercises for losing weight at home

Complex exercises for losing weight at home - it's convenient, saves time and money, but it's difficult psychologically: if you do not have strong motivation, you are unlikely to follow the schedule. This requires either a meaningful goal, or an iron willpower.

Schedule exercises at home

The program of training at home for girls starts with the schedule. Soon you could see the result - a beautiful, strong and fit body, you need to practice three to five times a week. For example, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday or every day in the mornings, except for weekends.

The schedule should be convenient for you, and most importantly - the lessons should be regular. If you work on your body that is too active, then dropping classes, the effect will be minimal.

How to make a program of training at home?

Exercises for studying at home should be selected based on their goals. However, very few people take care of the figure for nothing - most begin to do themselves only when it's time to lose weight or adjust the figure.

  1. The exercise program for losing weight at home should include at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise (running on site, jumping rope, active dancing) and at least 30 minutes of exercise (exercises with dumbbells at home, or options such as push-ups, sit-ups, lunges, torsion heavy hoop, etc.). This balance allows the program of training for losing weight at home not only to burn fat, but also to promote the formation of muscle mass, which ultimately makes the figure slim and fit. It is also useful to include cardio exercises in the complex, but at home they can be performed at the right pace only if there are simulators such as a treadmill, stepper or exercise bike, since they assume a high intensity of physical activity.
  2. The program for body tonus includes exercises for girls who at home tend to make their body more attractive: the arms are stronger, the butt is tight and round, the chest is upright, the abdomen is flat, and the hips are tight. Such exercises include well-known push-ups, dumbbell squats, sumo squats, simple twists, back legs in a standing position (for the buttocks) and other options. It is important not only to work through the problem area, but also to give pressure to the entire body: in this case the muscles will develop more intensively. You can also include exercises with a barbell or a house bodibar that will help you in the shortest time to form the right muscle mass, which gives the body a tight and attractive look.

The training program at home should be designed in such a way that every 2 weeks there is either an increase in the load, or - the number of approaches. When you feel that your entire norm is very easy to perform, your body ceases to strain and develop, which means that there will be no progress.

In addition, it is important to remember the diet: 2 hours before exercise and 2 hours after it, you can only eat protein, otherwise the body will not split fat deposits, and will use calories from food.

What exercises can I do at home?

Complex exercises for the home can include absolutely any exercise, from simple to complex. The main thing is to replace one from time to time with others, to load more than one muscle group, then another, to constantly develop your body.

Whichever power load you choose, it is important to remember that exercises for losing weight at home are, first of all, running on the spot and skipping rope. This is the first and main measure that you can take against fat deposits on the abdomen, sides and hips. If you neglect them, you will get a solid press that is invisible to others, reliably hidden under a layer of fat.