Cough until vomiting in the baby

There are many different diseases that cause coughing. Most of them are usually associated with upper respiratory tract infection. There are cases when the child has a cough before vomiting. It is not necessary to panic at the same time, it is quite common in childhood, in adults it is much less common. This is connected with the close location of the vomiting and cough center, in children. Cough can be caused by such common diseases as common cold and bronchitis. Pertussis is also the cause of this cough. In spite of the fact that coughing with vomiting is not so dangerous as the infectious diseases that caused it and possible complications can be dangerous, if not to resort to timely treatment.

Possible Causes of Coughing Before Vomiting in a Child

  1. Before the appointment with a doctor, you can try to determine the cause of the child's vomiting after a cough, based on the symptoms. First you need to exclude pertussis. It is easy to determine by the characteristic sound of the published patient at the end of a coughing fit. Cough due to whooping cough occurs, as a rule, not immediately, but only after a while (10-14 days), after the child has transferred a cold or ARVI. Cough is increasing every day, increasing, becoming paroxysmal and comes to vomiting. But in any case, all of their own diagnoses are only conjectures without confirmation by their respective analyzes (mucus intake, blood test).
  2. With the exception of whooping cough, the most likely cause of such coughing can serve as a cold or ARVI. In the beginning, the child develops snot, fever, cough, which subsequently passes into a cough with vomiting. This can happen in the absence of proper and timely treatment of the baby, which contributes to the development of bronchitis. There is a certain difficulty in detecting bronchitis, as some pediatricians sometimes confuse, with the listening of the child, outgoing phlegm with hoarseness. In time, no appropriate treatment is prescribed, as a result of which bronchitis develops.
  3. Another common cause of this cough in a child can be, just snotty nose. Since a small child does not always get to sniff out the snot to the end and some of the mucus drips down the back wall, and some he swallows. As a result, it accumulates, and the body tries to get rid of mucus, in this case, a fit of cough causing the child to vomit. It is worth noting that not all cases should flow nose, when the cause of vomiting is mucus. The nose can simply swell without having a common cold.
  4. There are cases when various allergic reactions provoke a cough before vomiting in the child. It can be an allergy to household chemicals, some plants, animals, medicines and much more. But this, as a rule, occurs in children who have a hereditary predisposition to allergies.


When there are symptoms of a cold in a child and especially coughing with vomiting, do not delay and try to solve the problem yourself. To avoid complications, it is best to provide experienced professionals. They will accurately determine the diagnosis and prescribe the necessary course of treatment. But before you have time to consult specialists, you can resort to proven folk methods, they definitely will not harm the child. Well helps with diseases of this kind, hot tea with raspberry jam or warmed milk with honey. It is necessary to regularly air the room with infectious diseases and humidify the air as needed. Take various medications, without consulting a doctor, is not recommended. This can cause allergic reactions in the baby.