Indian massage

Probably, no other people, like the Indians, managed to create so many useful methods for health, which the European world still does not refer to official medicine, but actively uses it for healing. This paradox is a formality, and from this unspoken recognition of Indian practices the procedures do not become useless.

So, Indian Ayurvedic massage is a procedure of natural healing. His technique is aimed at helping the body cope with its physical and psychological problems.

Indian Oil Massage

Indian massage with hot oil was used in ancient times, and its system survived to this day - some historians believe that the "age" of this massage exceeds 5000 years.

Hot oil is used in massage so that the body relaxes under the influence of heat, because it is known that in the cold, muscles contract, and when they heat, they lose tension.

The masseur influences not only the subcutaneous tissue and muscles, as in the usual massage, but also on the internal organs. Therefore, the choice of the master should be thorough - this massage is very effective, and with mismanagement on the body, it can cause great harm.

When Indian massage is often used elements of yoga - another ancient practice, which in Europe is perceived as a sport, and in India as a result of a religious and spiritual current. The master helps the patient to perform several asanas for stretching.

Indian foot massage is a special process, because in Indian culture it is believed that this part is a human shield, and helps it maintain health. In Indian massage on the feet, certain points that correspond to certain nerve endings (at the feet of their 72 thousand) are activated.

Indian Head Massage

Indian facial and head massage is performed without oil: first the head is easily massaged to relax the muscles and warm up the tissues. Then the masseur begins to activate the points: which ones - depends on the problem the patient has addressed.

However, the main task of scalp massage is to relieve stress: no painful feelings the patient does not feel, because the master's touch is very soft in this massage system. The duration of the procedure, as a rule, is not more than 40 minutes.

The influence of Indian massage on the body

Indian massage helps to get rid of: