How to teach a child to be independent?

One of the great desires of parents is the dream that their children never grow up. But each person becomes an adult, and, naturally, independent. Independence from parents comes gradually. First the child learns to sit, crawl, walk, run. Later the baby can use the cutlery, dress, take care of himself. Then the child will learn to solve everyday and life problems. However, some children are not in a hurry to take action, which, it would seem, should be mastered. The main reason for this behavior, by the way, are the parents themselves. How often for the sake of saving time mom decides to put on crumbs for a walk with her own hands. The same example is the situation when adults do not give a one-year-old baby a spoon for self-eating, not wanting to wash dirty things and a table. And then at an older age, decision-making will also fall on the shoulders of parents. Growing up without initiative, such a child is unlikely to be successful. Therefore, if you are concerned about the future of your beloved child, it's important to get real quick and make an effort.

How to instill a child's independence: the necessary skills

If you want your baby to grow capable of initiative and not afraid of one's own mistakes, take into account the fact that the development of independence in children should occur from early childhood, that is, from one-year-old age. That's when the child learns to eat with his own hand. Adults should understand that all self-care skills do not arise in the child by themselves. The kid learns them, imitating the people around him. And that everything turned out right, parents should direct the crumb, help and stimulate it. In addition, from one and a half years you can teach a child to dress independently. But be restrained and patient, do not raise your voice and do not scold the crumb for incorrectly buttoned buttons. Learn crumbs in the form of a game in your spare time, for example on dolls or soft toys. And that would not turn out situations when you are in a hurry and because you are putting on your baby yourself, try to gather outside 10 minutes earlier.

From the age of two, when the child demonstrates his independence, which is usually manifested in a sense of ownership in relation to his toys, clothes, cutlery, accustom him to cleaning in a room scattered things. So in it responsibility will be brought up - an important component of independence.

How to raise a child's independence: give him the right to choose

Attention to the opinion and the desire of the child now will allow the beloved child to make decisions in the adult complex life and not pass before the difficulties. Your baby will become independent, you will agree that this is a very useful quality. Start small, for example, ask him about what porridge he would prefer to eat for breakfast or what fruit - an apple or a banana - for a mid-morning snack. When a child grows up, listen to his desires in choosing clothes. Ask him what panties or skirt he would like to wear today. And let the child pick up the remaining details of the wardrobe under your sensitive guidance: both at the same time will develop a sense of style. When purchasing things for the child, also do not forget to consult with him. Of course, there must be a measure in everything. Therefore, if the choice of the baby falls on the blouse, the cost of which will be costly for the family budget, explain the high cost of things. Believe me, it will be beneficial for the development of independence for your child.

Listen to the child's opinion for seemingly every little thing - where to go for a walk, what book to read at night, how to style your hair.

Be sure to use such methods of instilling self-reliance in children as encouragement and praise. They are necessary for little men, even in cases of failure. Stimulate the baby with small awards, a kind word. However, do not force the child to do anything against the will, so as not to cause rejection.

And most importantly - educate yourself in your child's own positive example, because it is known that children primarily focus on adults.