Chin tremor in infants

Newborn babies are so different from adults! They are not yet quite ready for the emotional burdens of the big world, so often there is tremor in the baby's chin.

Why does my chin tremble?

The nervous and endocrine systems of the baby are not yet fully formed. During emotions, the human body releases norepinephrine. In newborns, this hormone can be released in too much, and, acting on a still fragile nervous system, it causes tremors in infants. Therefore, if the baby's jaw trembles during crying, fast sleep, fright or other strong emotional impression - this is quite normal. Such twitching usually takes up to three months and does not require any special treatment. Chin tremor is also common in infants during feeding, which is not a cause for serious concern if the baby is eating normally and there are no other symptoms of nervous system diseases.

But there are other causes of tremor of the chin in the baby, associated with hypoxia of the brain and a violation of the nervous system. The reasons for oxygen starvation can be very different, most often it is due to anemia in the mother during pregnancy, intrauterine infection, birth trauma. It is advisable to consult a doctor if:

All children develop in different ways, so because of the tremor of the lower jaw in any case, there is no need to panic. But to visit the doctor will not be superfluous.

Treatment of tremor of the chin in infants

Since jerking of the lower jaw is not a disease, getting rid of it is difficult to call a cure. It is, rather, help the baby to adapt to our world. For these purposes, massage, swimming and, most importantly, a good emotional environment in the family are good.

If the cause of trembling is any disease of the nervous system, the treatment will not be directed at this particular symptom. The baby's nervous system is perfectly recoverable, thanks to its flexibility, most diseases are well treated and do not leave consequences.

Most newborns sometimes shake the lower jaw. When the twitchings pass, the parents see that their baby has matured a little more. Now he can cope with emotions.