Buckwheat in a pot in the oven

Today we will tell you in detail in a pot in the oven. This way of cooking makes it incredibly tasty and aromatic, and the addition of meat products or mushrooms gives the food a richness and festivity.

Buckwheat with meat in a pot in the oven - recipe


Calculation of three pots:


The first thing we do is prepare the meat properly. Rinse it with cold water, carefully soak from moisture and cut into medium-sized slices. In the pan, pour a little vegetable oil, warm it well and brown the meat pieces on a strong heat from all sides, stirring. Then we arrange slices on pots, and on a frying pan we send previously washed, peeled and cut into small slices or small slices carrots. While carrots are fried in a frying pan to a ruddy color, we clean, shred the semicircles onions and lay them on meat in pots. There we send ruddy carrots.

Each of the layers is savored to taste with salt and ground black pepper, in each pot we throw a laurel leaf, two peas of sweet pepper, a peeled garlic clove and a little water. Now we place the pots covered in lids in the oven heated up to 210 degrees and cook the meat with the vegetables for one hour.

Meanwhile, we sort and rinse buckwheat and on the willingness of meat we put it in each pot for a hundred grams. Fill the contents with boiling water or broth so that it barely covers the rump and, without mixing, we cover it with a lid and determine it in the oven at the same temperature regime for another ten minutes. After the time has elapsed, turn off the oven and leave the pots for another twenty minutes.

During this time the buckwheat will cook, soak up the aromas and, undoubtedly, will please you with a rich taste and incredible aroma.

Chicken with buckwheat and mushrooms in a pot in the oven - recipe


Calculation of three pots:


Chicken pulp is washed, well dried and cut into slices of medium size. Chop the meat with salt, ground black pepper, season with other spices if desired and brown it on a hot skillet with vegetable oil until a beautiful crust.

For another pan heated with vegetable oil pan, we first spread the peeled and chopped onion, save it a little to transparency and add the carrot passed through a grater or cut into straws. Fry vegetables together for a few minutes, and add pre-cooked mushrooms until ready. We season the mass to taste with salt and ground pepper. You can add other spices to your choice and taste. If you use fresh champignons, then you can do not boil, and immediately pound with vegetables in a pan until soft, stirring.

Mix the mushroom and chicken base, divide into three parts, lay out on pots and put in each one according to desire, one laurushka. Buckwheat groats, we wash well and fill it with pots, putting in each one-third of the total. Fill the contents of heated to boiling with water or broth so that the liquid completely covers the croup. Add salt, ground black pepper, cover the pots with lids and determine in a heated to 185 degrees oven for thirty minutes or until the liquid completely evaporates.