Erosive bulbite

This disease of the gastrointestinal tract is spread quite strongly. Erosive bulbit - inflammation of the mucous membrane in the area of ​​the duodenum. Like any disease of the digestive tract, bulbit should be treated. And the sooner the treatment begins, the less nerves and money it will have to invest.

The causes of the appearance of erosive bulbite

Erosive bulbit - the precursor of an ulcer. There are no age limitations in the disease, it affects both small and adults. There is also no selection on the basis of gender for bulbits.

The main cause of the development of the disease is a change in the acidity of the gastric juice. Provoke this phenomenon can various stomach diseases: gastritis, dysbiosis or duodenitis. But there are other causes of acute, chronic and focal erosive bulbitis:

Erosive bulbitis can also develop with too much gut motility - the organ forms loops, they retain food particles, where ideal conditions for the reproduction of bacteria are created. Of course, one should not discount the bad heredity. Among other things, bulbit can be a consequence of Crohn's disease.

Symptoms of erosive bulbitis

In the initial stages, the bulbit can not manifest itself in any way. The disease develops gradually. Possible symptoms in this case can easily be attributed to overeating or intercepted on the fly fast food.

Recognize the disease can be on such grounds:

  1. The main symptom is hungry pain . They worry both day and night. Localization of pain - stomach and intestines. With chronic erosive bulbite, the patient suffers from unpleasant sensations in the pit of the stomach, with acute form of the disease - pain surrounding, sometimes spasmodic.
  2. With bulbite, hungry pains immediately after eating are abruptly replaced by heartburn.
  3. An eructation, an unpleasant bitter taste in the mouth and frequent bloating may also indicate a problem.
  4. To pass examination is recommended at occurrence of delicacy, the general malaise, strong fatigability.

Regular examinations will help to diagnose bulbit long before the appearance of the first symptoms, so it is not recommended to neglect them.

How to treat erosive bulbitis?

The main goal of the treatment is to restore the duodenal mucosa. This can be achieved by taking special medicinal complexes, as well as adhering to a strict diet. However, this treatment scheme is applicable for most diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

At the time of treatment of erosive bulbit will have to abandon bad habits, heavy, spicy, sour, salty foods, soda. Take meals often, but in small portions. In the diet must necessarily include sour-milk products, kiseleobraznye cereals, natural broth. You can eat meat, but only in steamed or boiled form.

From drugs with bulbite help:

In parallel with the professional, erosive bulbite is treated with folk remedies:

  1. An excellent remedy is a jelly from linen. Rinsed seeds are poured with boiling water and cooked until a thick mass forms.
  2. Perfectly reduces the pain of chamomile infusion.
  3. You can remove the pain with the help of the broth of marshmallow, St. John's wort and licorice.
  4. Tincture on the oak bark should be taken at least five times a day.