Why does a child cry when he suckles?

Propagation of breastfeeding sometimes leads young inexperienced mothers to despair. Usually this happens when women face the first difficulties, such as crying and refusal of the baby from the breast. At such moments, mothers who understand the importance and necessity of continuing lactation, try to feed the protesting child and find out the cause of what is happening. Let's help troubled mothers understand the origins of the problem, in order to restore their peace of mind, and crumbs - a useful treat.

Why does a child cry when breastfeeding?

Even the smallest and cranky baby will not refuse to eat, if nothing disturbs him. Therefore, the question of why a child cries when taking a breast requires thorough study. Among the main reasons for what is happening experts identify the following:

  1. Lack of milk. This is the first thing that a woman who has encountered this problem can assume. Disseminate or confirm the assumption can be, counting the number of bowel movements and urination. The baby must be pumped at least once a day, and urinate at least 6 times. Also, the pediatrician will tell the mother about the lack of milk at the planned examination of the baby, if the increase in crumb weight is below normal.
  2. With complaints that the child begins to cry when sucking the breast, often refer to a woman's specialists in the first days after childbirth. The reason for this behavior of the baby lies in excessive swelling of the breast and too powerful discharge of milk.
  3. Flat nipples. If the mother has pushed nipples, it is very difficult for the baby to grab the breast properly, so he begins to get nervous and cry.
  4. Another common reason why a baby cries when it sucks or just takes a breast is an uncomfortable posture during feeding.
  5. Older children may be disturbed by colic. In such cases, crumbs often refuse to eat, cry, pinch their legs, tighten, in a word, do their utmost to tell mom about pain. By the way, the increased flatulence is observed in children who are accustomed to feasting on the front milk.
  6. Gastroesophageal Reflux. In infants, the esophageal sphincter is not fully formed, so many babies may experience discomfort as milk returns to the esophagus. Naturally, the release of the contents of the stomach is accompanied by loud indignation and rejection of the breast.
  7. If a child cries when eating a breast, the first thing that Mom should pay attention to is his general health. Runny nose, pain in the ears, sore throat, fever in no way contribute to good appetite and mood.
  8. Also cry when feeding a crumb can, if he has a thrush in his mouth .
  9. In addition, do not forget that the reason for the child's indignation can be: a change in the weather, an emotionally tense situation in the family, a poor state of health of the mother, as well as the use of new hygiene products.