How to give Espumizan to a newborn?

Drug Espumizan, according to the instructions, is used as a carminative agent for treating neonatal intestinal colic, meteorism. Such a condition arises from the ingestion of babies during the feeding of their mixture, as well as dyspeptic disorders.

The preparation is produced in vials in the form of an emulsion. The capacity of the bottle is 30 ml.

Effect of the drug

The main active substance of the drug is simethicone . It is he who leads to an active reduction in education, as well as the speedy disintegration of gas bubbles that have already formed. The released vesicles are absorbed by the walls of the intestine and are absorbed by the tissues of the body, and a small part is excreted from the intestine.

When to apply?

Espumizan's instructions clearly state that the drug can be used in newborns when:


Young mothers, often confronted with the need to use this medication, do not know how much and how often Espomizan can be given to their newborn baby.

The drug is given only after eating, pre-adding a few drops of water. But, as a rule, mum adds a couple drops of medicine to the mixture or dilutes it with a small amount of breast milk, and gives with a spoon.

The most common questions that arise in moms and associated with the use of the remedy are: "How many times a day and for how long can you give the baby Espomizan?".

  1. So to kids from 28 days and up to a year it is possible to give no more than 25 drops, up to 3 times for a day. At the same time, the drug can be used for a long time, since its active substance is not absorbed by the absolute in the intestine, therefore, the child does not do any harm to the body.
  2. At the senior age - 1 year and more, appoint or nominate on 30-40 drops. In the case of diagnosis of poisoning, the dose of the drug can be increased to 50 drops, and the frequency of reception per day increases up to 5 times.

Before using the drug, the bottle should be shaken thoroughly, in order to form a homogeneous emulsion. At dosage, the bottle should be kept only in an upright position.

The drug can be given before bedtime, which excludes the anxiety of the newborn.

Application features

Many nursing mothers give Espumizan not only to the baby, but also drink it themselves. It is believed that this allows you to reduce problems with the tummy of a baby, because he will receive a medicine with milk in an adapted form. True, no research has confirmed this assumption, although there will not be any harm from such treatment.

Side effect

For a long time, no side effects were noted, except for a few allergic reactions.

Also, due to the fact that the main, active substance of this drug is not absorbed into the digestive tract, an overdose is impossible. However, do not deviate from the dosages indicated in the instructions.

Many mothers forget that Espuizan is a medicine and it is necessary to get a pediatrician's advice before applying it. If this fact is neglected, there is a risk of the infant developing an allergic reaction to one of the components of the drug, which can result in a fatal outcome for the baby. Therefore, only with the observance of all the above recommendations it is possible to use the drug for newborns.