Diet of a child in 9 months

The ration of a young child before changing to one year old changes and expands with each month. Although in mother's milk or an adapted infant formulas for infant formula and contain almost all the necessary nutrients for crumbs, but for children over 6 months for normal development, you need to eat other foods.

In this article, we will tell you what exactly is necessary to enter the baby's diet for 9 months on breastfeeding and artificial feeding, and with the introduction of which products it is better to wait for the time being.

Features of the diet of infants in 9 months

Of course, if you have the opportunity to feed the crumbs with your milk, it is better to do this as long as possible, because it is in this liquid contains all the substances useful to the child. The nine-month-old baby still needs mother's milk, but he already has other needs.

By the age of 9 months, breast milk or an adapted milk formula should be about 1/3 to 1/4 of the ration of crumbs. The main part of the food now consists of products enriched with protein, and providing the baby with the necessary energy.

Nine-month-old child usually eats 5 times a day, and the difference between feedings in this case should be about 4 hours. Feeding the crumb is preferable at the same time, under such circumstances, it will be able to get used to the regime of the day much more quickly and will become much more relaxed about the usual cases that are performed daily.

Typically, the milk fluid replaces for the child at this age an early breakfast and the last meal before going to bed. In addition, every time after the baby ate the main course, he can be offered to suck his breast until full saturation.

Approximately 4 hours after awakening, the child should eat a nutritious mash. In preparing meals for children up to a year, it is better not to use whole cow milk, so it is better to cook porridge on the water. If you cook the dish yourself, cook the croup as usual, then grind it with a blender. Also you can use special baby food cages, which can be diluted with pure boiled water and immediately feed the baby.

If you still continue to feed your child with a breast, alternate the following types of cereals - buckwheat, rice and corn. In the diet of artificial children at this age, you can also introduce oatmeal, barley and pearl porridge. Be very careful - any of these cereals can provoke an allergy in the baby, so start with a very small amount.

In another 4 hours the crumb waits for a hearty meal, which must include a dish of meat, regardless of whether the baby is on GW or IV. It can be puree of industrial production, souffle, cooked at home, or small meatballs. Also at lunchtime, vegetable mashed potatoes are usually offered from foods such as pumpkin, carrots, beets, cauliflower, broccoli, zucchini and green peas. As a main dish, a light broth or a vegetarian soup can be made.

In addition, nine-month-old children, especially artificers, it's time to introduce the fish. This product is a fairly strong allergen, so it is necessary to inject it into the baby's diet carefully - offer a fish crumb 1-2 times in 7-10 days. Begin to introduce the baby to the fish can be from such ocean species as pollock, cod or hake, or river low-fat varieties, for example, pike-perch. If you cook meals for your child yourself, be very careful with the bones. Even one small and inconspicuous bone can be very dangerous for the baby.

Finally, a nine-month-old baby must already eat curd and kefir for baby food. These sour-milk products you can offer your child for dinner.

Approximate diet of a baby in 9 months you can see in the following table: