Osteoarthritis of the knee joint of the third degree - treatment

Osteoarthritis of the knee joint is diagnosed in women often enough. Mostly the disease develops in the elderly, but sometimes arthrosis is "young", which can be associated with injuries, intense sports, violation of metabolic processes in the body and other causes.

Features of the disease

The development of the disease occurs gradually, but already at an early stage it makes itself felt until it is an intense pain sensation in the joints that appear after physical exertion. If the disease is not treated in time, the pathological processes will develop more and more rapidly, which ultimately leads to a deforming arthrosis of the knee joint of the third degree - a severe stage, whose treatment is difficult. In this case, the articular cartilage is considerably thinned and delaminated, which leads to the exposure of the bone and inflammation of the synovial membrane of the knee joint, as well as the formation of osteophytes.

How to cure arthrosis of the knee joint of the third degree?

With a severe disease, complex treatment is required, with a mandatory reduction in the load on the knees and diet (limiting consumption of salt and sugar, rejection of fatty and smoked products, etc.). If there is excess weight, measures should be taken to reduce it.

Medicines for arthrosis of the knee joint of the third degree are prescribed for the purpose of anesthetizing, relieving inflammation and swelling. The main non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are:

Hormonal preparations possess a more intensive action, which are recommended by short courses with exacerbations. This can be both a means of systemic action for ingestion, and drugs in the form of injections.

Good results show the use of physiotherapy methods:

As a result of the course of procedures, there is an increase in blood flow, an increase in muscle tone, and pain and inflammation decrease. In some cases are also prescribed massage and manual therapy.

Operation with arthrosis of the knee joint of the third degree

With significant changes in the joint conservative methods are not enough, so experts advise to conduct a surgical intervention. The most common methods in this case are: