What is Actovegin used for, and how to apply all forms of medicine correctly?

The question of why Aktovegin is prescribed may be of interest to patients who received a list of prescriptions from a doctor. This drug is widely used in treating various pathologies for patients of all age groups. In some countries in Europe and in the US, it is not used. What is this medicine, we will consider further.

Actovegin - composition

In order to understand why Aktovegin is prescribed, it is necessary to understand what is included in its composition, and what effect it exhibits. The drug Actovegin is available in several dosage forms:

All these forms contain, as an active ingredient, deproteinized hemoderivat from calf blood. This substance is a concentrate of biologically active molecules (amino acid derivatives, low molecular weight peptides, microelements, intermediate products of carbohydrate and fat metabolism). It is obtained by freeing blood from large protein structures that can cause allergic reactions. Animals from which they take the raw material for the medicine must be absolutely healthy, not older than three months, and be fed only with milk.

Let's enumerate what additional ingredients each form contains:

Actovegin - indications for use

Note the important information for those who are looking for what Actovegin is prescribed for. In many developed countries this medicine is not used, for which there are two main reasons. The first is due to the fact that the medicine has not passed the necessary studies confirming its effectiveness and safety in accordance with approved international requirements. The second reason is that the preparation is made on the basis of animal raw materials, from the use of which for medicines a number of countries refused because of the risk of infection with prion infections (which are not even protected by a high degree of purification).

However, the practice of applying Actovegin is more than three decades, during which the drug is constantly subjected to a variety of research. The conducted experiments confirm the unique possibilities and effectiveness of the drug in the therapy of serious diseases, although the exact mechanism of action is not known. Considering all of the above, the medication should be used with caution, only as directed by the doctor.

Let's consider in what cases Actovegin is recommended, for what each of the forms is intended, but first we describe its therapeutic effect, which is as follows:

Actovegin - injections

Actovegin in ampoules is prescribed in the following cases:

Actovegin - tablets

Considering what Actovegin helps in tableted form, you can list all the indications attributed to the drug in ampoules. In many cases, this form is recommended for continued injection or infusion treatment as maintenance therapy or for mild to moderate lesions. In addition, pills as an alternative to the solution are prescribed for patients who do not stay in the hospital, but are treated at home.

Actovegin - ointment

According to the instruction, all external forms of the drug Actovegin can be used with the same indications:


In the form of an eye gel, the drug Actovegin has the following indications for use:

Actovegin - contraindications for use

No less important information than what Actovegin is prescribed for patients is the list of restrictions to the use of this drug. All forms of the drug can not be used in the presence of individual intolerance or allergic reactions to components. This is the only case when the external forms are medicated. As for the drug in a tablet form, it is recommended to use it for treatment with extreme caution in such cases:

Parenteral forms of the drug Actovegin contraindications have the following:

In addition, drug solutions with caution should be administered with such diagnoses:

Actovegin - side effects

When applying the drug Actovegin intramuscularly, intravenously, intraarterially or orally, the following adverse reactions are possible:

Such effects are rare and often associated with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. In these cases, you must cancel the drug and consult a doctor. When applying external forms of the drug in the application area, reactions in the form of itching and burning can occur. Sometimes at the beginning of therapy there are local painful reactions, which soon pass independently and are not an excuse for cancellation of Actovegin. The eye gel can give such undesirable reactions as increased lacrimation, reddening of the sclera.

Actovegin - application

How to take Actovegin, in what dosages and for how long, should the doctor determine, given the diagnosis and severity of the pathology. If parenteral administration of the drug is necessary before the start of therapy, an allergy test should be performed, introducing a small amount of the drug intramuscularly and monitoring the body's reactions. The recommended initial therapeutic dosage per day is 10-20 ml intravenously or intraarterially, and further - 5 ml intravenously or intramuscularly.

Tablets are taken, washed down with a small amount of water and without chewing, until the meal, 1-2 times three times a day. Depending on what Actovegin is prescribed for, the course of treatment can range from several weeks to six months. To use local forms, the following recommendations exist:

  1. The gel is applied in case of burns and radiation injuries with a thin layer, with ulcers - with a thick layer, covering with a compress saturated with the ointment form of the preparation.
  2. The cream is used to heal wounds, bedsores, prevention of radiation damage, applying a thin layer.
  3. Ointment is used after therapy with gel or cream to continue treatment.
  4. The eye gel is applied to the affected eye 1-2 drops up to three times a day from the tube, trying not to touch the eyeball with a neck.

Actovegin during pregnancy

Although the list of prescriptions of the drug in question does not include the pathological course of pregnancy, physicians often prescribe it to future mothers. Given the therapeutic effect of the drug, it is able to normalize utero-placental blood flow, through which the necessary exchange between the organisms of the mother and fetus. Dosages and duration of therapy are determined individually.

Assign tableted or injectable Actovegin with polyhydramnios, low water and other conditions that threaten fetal hypoxia, abnormalities in its development, interruption of pregnancy, among which:

Actovegin at the VSD

Not all patients understand why vegetative-vascular dystonia is prescribed by Actovegin, because there is no such diagnosis in the list of indications for use in any of the forms of the drug. Since the symptoms of this pathology are largely associated with a violation of the tone of the blood vessels, leading to difficulty in blood supply to the brain, other organs, limbs, this medication is able to benefit in the VSD, affecting the root causes.

The course of taking the medication (tablets or injections) helps improve metabolic processes, normalize vascular tone, provide adequate supply of oxygen and nutrients to all tissues of the body. Therefore, it improves the condition of Actovegin with dizziness, chilliness of hands and feet, sleep disorders and other vegetative-vascular manifestations.

Actovegin in stroke

Effective use of injections Actovegin are found at different stages of assisting patients with ischemic stroke, in which there is a violation or termination of the supply of blood to one of the areas of the brain. Thanks to the rapid improvement of blood circulation, the normalization of the energy supply of tissues observed under the action of the drug, a significant improvement in the recovery of neurologic functions is observed in patients in a short time.

The medicine helps to normalize cognitive and motor abilities, positively affects the emotional state of patients. Often at the beginning of treatment, Actovegin is administered intravenously drip, and after one or two weeks, the reception is continued in tablet form. The course of treatment is determined by the doctor, taking into account the severity of the damage to the brain functions.

Actovegin with osteochondrosis

Disease of osteochondrosis is characterized by pinching and spasmodic of blood vessels. In a number of tasks in the treatment of pathology includes the normalization of blood circulation, for which purpose Actovegin is prescribed. Especially useful is Actovegin in osteochondrosis of the cervical region, which for many patients is threatened with a lack of supply of oxygen and nutrients to the brain. Often, a tablet form is prescribed for treatment.

Actovegin for hair

Some women, according to the recommendations of trichologists or cosmetologists, use Actovegin against hair loss, which gives good results. Due to stimulation of energy work of tissues, increase in glucose and oxygen consumption, nutrition of hair bulbs increases, awakening of sleeping follicles. Due to this, hair growth is resumed. The method of using Actovegin in alopecia should be consulted with a specialist (it is used both for external application and inside).

Actovegin for the skin of the face

In view of the regenerative properties, the ability to improve the production of collagen, saturate tissues with oxygen, we apply Actovegin against wrinkles, to improve the condition of flabby, tired skin. In addition, the drug is able to help in the treatment of skin rashes, post acne. Use an ointment, cream or gel Actovegin 1-2 times a day, applying a thin layer on the cleansed face.

Actovegin analogues

If the question arises, what to replace Actovegin, should consider the possibility of using the following drugs: