How to care for a room orchid?

Before buying a home orchid, of course, there is a question of how to take care of it, because there are rumors that these beauties are extremely capricious, and only experienced and sincerely orchid-loving growers can cope with them. In fact, care for orchids depends on their kind, and some hybrids are maximally adapted to growing in indoor conditions and deliver no more trouble to their owners than other people from the tropics. Let's look at how to care for the most common varieties of domestic orchids.

How to care for a indoor dandrobium orchid?

Before you start to care for the orchid dendrobium, you should specify what type your pet belongs to, because there are a lot of varieties, more than 1500. For convenience, we divide all these varieties into 2 types, those that have a rest phase (deciduous), and those that it is green all year round.


Regardless of the type of dendrobium, they love light, but they are not too active; on the southern window, they will have to be shaded periodically.


Deciduous dendrobiums need a period of rest at a temperature of 15-17 ° C, and in spring and summer - 22-24 ° C. Green orchids all year round are also thermophilic, but feel more comfortable at a temperature of 18-22 ° C (night at least 15 ° C).

Watering and humidity

Abundant watering - in spring and summer, in winter - moderate. A daily spray is mandatory to increase the humidity, but it is not advisable to get on flowers and leaves. If the orchid is deciduous, then during the rest period watering is stopped, leaving only spraying. It is also necessary to put the flower on a pallet with water or wet pebbles, all for the same humidity, because it should be at least 60%.

Additional fertilizing

2 times a month in the period of intensive growth of 0,01% solution of mineral fertilizers.

How to care for a indoor orchid vanda?

Orchids vandas are thermophilic, love moist air and light, only from direct sunlight it is necessary to pritenyat. The best temperature for growing 22-25 ° C, at night not below 14 ° C. In the pursuit of air humidity (for the vand needs 70-80%), one should not forget about its circulation, otherwise the roots can rot. Watering is done with warm water. In winter, watering is reduced, and during the flowering period and active growth, watering is performed every 3 days. And watering orchids should be as follows: immerse 10-15 in water or pour with warm water from the shower, while watching to keep the water in the pan.

How to care for a flowering orchid vanda?

For flowering of this orchid, you need to ensure that the difference in night and daytime temperatures is not more than 3-5 ° C. Also during this period and during the active growth, it is necessary to feed the flower with fertilizers for orchids.

How to care for a room orchid cymbidium (kumbidium)?

Sometimes this orchid is called kumbidium, which is incorrect, the correct name is still a cymbidium. Care for the cymbidium is not very difficult, the main thing to remember about the air temperature is 16-20 ° C and a constant supply of fresh air. If you have a hybrid, then such flowers in the warm season (night temperatures not lower than 10-12 ° C) can be carried out to the open air, without forgetting to shade from the direct sun. Watering is moderate, so that the soil is constantly wet, but water stagnation in pallets can not be tolerated. Spraying is mandatory, but only with soft water. Fertilize plants in the spring and before flowering with every 2-3 waterings. Transplantation is not more often than once in 3-4 years, since orchids do not like this procedure very much.

How to care for the orchid of cymbidium in winter?

First, cut the watering up to once every 2 weeks, leaving the spraying. Secondly, use top dressing with a lower nitrogen content or completely stop it.

How to care for a room cumulus orchid?

Cumbria is the least demanding of all varieties of orchids. Humidity is enough for it to be 35-40%. Lighting loves a moderate, so it will be good to grow on the east, west and north-west windowsills. Watering is moderate (preferably immersion in water) with constant spraying. Fertilizer during watering during active growth.

How to care for the faded orchid cumbria?

Make irrigation more rare and monitor the temperature (not above 18 ° C in winter).