Cleansing the body for weight loss

Purification of the body is a function of the urinary tract, intestine, liver, and sweating system. Theoretically, the body does not need to "help" in this process, because healthy, fully functioning organs cope with toxins, carcinogens and simple calves in the most beautiful manner. In practice, the following occurs: constipation, urinary retention, edema and cellulite (adipose tissue is a storehouse of "dirty", used water), as well as obesity and extinction of liver cleansing functions.

Why this happens, it's easy to guess - we are what we eat. And if the drainpipes in your house are refused, you need to think about what you have outlined in them.

That is why the cleansing of the body must begin with nutrition.

Benefit of cleansing the body

The state of our intestines is reflected in all physiological indicators of our body. By cleansing the intestine, first of all, we cleanse the blood - this improves blood circulation, the state of our blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure, and passes headaches. In addition, the infestation of the intestines is "read" on the skin of the face, especially on the rashes on the forehead. Believe me, if you normalize the functions of the intestine, the color and texture of the skin will change.

Well, and, of course, the mood, the psychological state is also an indicator of what is boiling inside of us. In your body there will be lightness, depression and apathy will pass, because a clean body will not need to pour all the blood to the problem intestine, which means that the brain will be "satisfied."


One of the most popular systems of cleansing the body is done with the help of bran. The reason for popularity is simple - with such cleaning there is no need to use the most characteristic cleansing mechanism - enema.

It is the enema that discourages most people from purging the intestines.

So, bran and without enemas cool excretory masses, which, it is likely, are stored not derived from your intestines, for years.

Bran is products of processing of grains in flakes. When we produce our favorite flakes of instant cooking, there is crushing and grinding of grains - as a result, the husks, which contain not only the coarsest fiber, but also most of the vitamins of cereals, are separated. This husk can be returned to our diet, consuming either unpolished and not steamed grain, or bran.

Perhaps, for weight loss, cleansing the body with bran is the best way to lose a couple of kilograms without significantly changing your menu. Cleaning lasts a month, you can repeat it only once a year. You need to buy a pack of bran - this can be done in any supermarket.

3 times a day, before eating, you should swallow 1 tablespoon. Bran with 1-2 glasses of water (about 250 ml). Reduce the amount of liquid can not be - the cleaning principle works only with water. Bran should swell in the intestines and push all the contents to the "exit". Otherwise, if the bran does not swell, you will have a strong constipation.

Starving Cleansing

Another popular way is to cleanse the body of starvation. The attractiveness of the method lies in the fact that the procedure lasts only 1 day.

There are several types:

Masters of health-improving "cleansing" is recognized as the last species, as a truly correct cleansing of the body. Including, this type of fasting was preferred by Paul Bragg.

The essence is simple - in the evening you need to take a mild laxative, in the morning to do an enema (all supporters of fasting recommend enemas, unlike Bragg), take a contrast shower. For a day should drink at least 2 liters of water.