"It is possible" and "impossible" in a child's life

Relations with the child in the family are built from an early age, but no matter how good friends Mom and Dad would like to be a child, they are forced to impose bans on his life. First and foremost, they are needed to ensure the safety of the baby, and only after, in order to explain to the child the norms of behavior in the society in which he is to live.

Is it possible to tell a child the word "impossible" and how to do it correctly?

In the life of the child, the words "can" and "can not" should be present in various proportions and the first should be many times larger, while the second in a small number. If a child at every step will be trapped by a particle of "no", then his life will lose its color and the baby will cease to rejoice in the new, his personal qualities will not develop harmoniously.

Taboos or restrictions, of course, are necessary - this is all about the threat to the life and health of the child. You can not touch the hot pot, take medicine and matches, climb into the outlet, run across the road in the wrong place and the like. In these matters, strictness is important, but the child needs to explain all this not with a cry, but with reasonable arguments, sometimes giving himself to feel the result of disobedience.

So, for example, a hot pot should be given to the baby to try using a pen to prevent him from climbing to the stove. Of course, it will not boil, but the temperature should be quite uncomfortable. This is for the very young, so that they will remember the lesson for a long time.

Older children, who in the near future will start independently to go to school, should not only know the elementary rules of the road, but also apply them in life.

Unfortunately, we often see a situation when a dog or a cat is hit by a car. The child also sees it and at this moment it is necessary to tell him that if the dog passed the road correctly, then, it remained alive. This example though not the most harmless, but very effective.

How correctly to explain to the child, what it is impossible to do?

Best of all, children do not react to angry shouting "You can not!", But to a calm, peace-loving tone to which forbidden words are spoken. Very effective and proven way - go to a whisper. If the baby screams and does not want to listen to anything, instead of screaming, try whispering in his ear what you wanted to convey to him in a gentle, calm voice. Kids just skip past the ears of all the negative, which also includes prohibitions. That in the future there were no problems with this, with children from an early age it is necessary to conduct a conversation on what is possible and what can not be done.

No matter how we try to explain the word "impossible" to the child, if the parents themselves regularly violate their own rules, then it is foolish to expect their children to fulfill them. For example, waiting for the right light to light at the traffic lights, we sometimes run across the road, if very hurry. Children, looking at us, too, will not wait for their own, and this has an immediate risk to life.

Raising your baby, you need to engage in parallel and self-education, so as to become a real example for the child, who wants to imitate. Children will copy their mother and father, and behavior in their family, but only let them be our most positive traits. If you do not understand how to explain to a small child what is possible and what not to do to children, when he wants something very much, then try not to be nervous, but to fantasize. For example, when the baby categorically does not want to wear warm clothes, and it's cold on the street and they can not do without them, then you can offer him the choice - to wear a blue blouse with a bear cub or red with a dent. The child will forget about his stubbornness and decide on his own without even realizing that he was outwitted.

So, summing up, we realized that "it is impossible", that is, serious restrictions, there must be a minimum. Situations when it is possible to flex flexibly any moment is already more. If the baby is supposed to go to bed at exactly 21.00 without any indulgence, then when the guests come or the New Year comes, this restriction must be temporarily lifted. In any case, parents should explain all their prohibitions to the child, perhaps even more than once, until a sustainable result is achieved.