Clogged pipe in the kitchen

Almost every one of us is familiar with the situation when the sewage pipe drain in the apartment is clogged. This problem usually stops the normal supply of the entire sewage system with water and causes us to call specialists. However, it is not always necessary to contact them if you have a trumpet in the kitchen.

The pipe was clogged - what to do?

Any sewage system in an apartment usually starts with a kitchen sink, then goes through a toilet and a bath. As a result, the sewerage is combined with a common riser pipe, which is traditionally located in the toilet . The most frequent clogs are those areas that are between the drain of the kitchen sink and drainage in the bathroom. It is in these places that fat deposits, earth, rust and sand accumulate. Also often a clogging of the drain from the toilet bowl, to the place of its connection with the common riser. Let's look at ways to clean the pipes in the kitchen - the most vulnerable place.

How can I clean the pipes if they are clogged?

Cope with the clog, without referring to the help of experts, you will help the following devices: