Halloween decorations with their own hands

The last night of October is a symbolic date, which is called Halloween. At first this holiday was celebrated only in Ireland and England, but gradually won admirers around the world. It is traditional to wear terrible costumes and masks on this day, go home and demand sweets, and do themed decorations for Halloween with your own hands. They create the appropriate mood and set the tone for the whole evening. To build them is not so difficult, which we will prove by several master classes.

Ghost of gauze

In order to create this indispensable Halloween character, we will need:

  1. First you need to create a basic structure from a bottle, ball and wire, on which the image of the ghost will later be formed.
  2. Now you need to mix well the glue with water so that there are no lumps. Consistency should be not very liquid, but not viscous. In the same vessel, we soak gauze well, after which we squeeze it.
  3. Now, on the constructed structure, we hang out a piece of starched gauze and straighten it to obtain the required image. We leave it all to dry ourselves, or speed up the process with a hair dryer.
  4. A finished product can be painted with a marker, giving it a comical or frightening expression. The decor is very light, so it can be hung to the ceiling, not in the same number.

Unusual handmade pumpkin

Also, an excellent decoration for the house on Halloween will be a pumpkin, which is an indispensable attribute of this triumph of evil forces. We suggest you build a very unusual version of this decor, which can be made with children, without using a knife. So, to make an unusual pumpkin character for Halloween, you will need:

To begin with, from colored paper we cut out different elements intended for the designation of the muzzle and the "mood" of the pumpkin. It can be a mustache, eyes, a pirate bandage, glasses, a nose, a cat's muzzle and so on.

After that, on the pumpkin itself and on paper elements we glue the double-sided adhesive tape.

The final step will be sticking paper clippings on a pumpkin.


There is also an inexpensive and entertaining way to make the hall decoration for Halloween in the form of a garland of ghosts. Let's say at once that the characters can change depending on your imagination. You can cut skulls, witches or crosses.

So, in order to build decorations for a room for the celebration of Halloween , you will find it useful:

First you need to fold the paper accordion. At the very top, the silhouette of the desired character is drawn, after which it is cut out along the contours. It is worth noting that you do not need to cut through the sides of the paper, since you will get many scattered ghosts or skulls, and not a garland of them. Approximately here it should turn out.

Then give the soma child the opportunity to draw faces to the characters, not forgetting to also participate in this process.

The final result can be stretched under the ceiling, in doorways, on walls or windows.

Lovers of needlework like the following version of the garland, for the manufacture of which you will need orange and green threads, scissors and twine.

The orange thread needs to be wrapped around the four fingers of the hand many times, after which the middle of the skein turns into a piece of thread and is tightened. The resulting pompom is decorated with a "tail" made of green yarn.

The pompoms made in this manner are attached to a string and hung in the right places.