How to starch a children's dress pants?

Starch to make the beautiful look of things now used much less often than before, but in some ways it can still help. In the old days it was necessary to starch collars, aprons for school uniforms, bed linen. Now all this is considered a relic of the past, but making a skirt or dress lush thanks to a starched podderukniku - this issue is still relevant. How correctly to starch things in detail will tell grandmothers, and if there are no such near, then our article will help you. So, the time has come for the publication of an important event for my beloved daughter, and I want her to look like a real princess. To do this, it is necessary to understand how to starch the poduct from the net, which are often worn under the dresses and skirts.

Instructions on how to properly starch the podsubnik

  1. You need to buy in the store starch, take it 4 tablespoons and dissolve in cold water. There should be little water.
  2. Next, pour into a pan 2 liters of water and bring it to a boil.
  3. After the water boils, it must be removed from the fire and add there the previously obtained starch solution. Further, the resulting mixture must be thoroughly stirred, it is possible with the help of a whisk. If the lumps were not avoided, they must be filtered. That's what should turn out in the end.
  4. For convenience, it is advisable to pour the solution from a pan into a basin or bowl, mixing it with a spoon to maintain the desired consistency.
  5. Then we lower it into a bowl with a solution of the poduct, we rinse it there, let the starch soak in, then squeeze it (but do not twist it!) And dry it with an iron. Continue to iron until the podsubnik is dry.

That's what a wonderful povyubnik should be in the end.

There is also another way how to starch the petticoat for a children's dress: after applying the starch, the sucker is dried hung on a hanger or spread out on a flat surface. And only after that the thing is stroked, necessarily steaming. In principle, both methods bring almost the same effect, it all depends on the quality of your iron: how quickly it can dry the product or how well the steam function works.

The girl in the lush dress looks very nice and smart. Usually children are very fond of different holidays and beautiful clothes, so you need to try to make an ideal image for a baby. Moreover, it is not difficult.