How to clean the bath of rust?

It's nice when the bathroom shines with cleanliness. But often yellow stains of rust appear on the washbasin or in the bathroom. The cause may be a faulty or simply leaky tap. The water we have in the aqueduct "leaves much to be desired", so there are such ugly spots. And if they are not regularly cleaned, then it will be rather difficult to struggle with them. But, with some effort and knowing the secrets, how to clean the bath of rust, you can achieve success in this business.

Cleaning the enamelled bath from rust

To clean the enamel bath from old rusty stains and soapy deposits, you need to moisten the cloth with a solvent for oil paints and wipe the stains. Then wash off everything with detergent and rinse well with warm water.

Another option, how to clean the enamel bath of yellowness: apply hot vinegar on the stain with a fine salt, to stand for several minutes. After this, carefully rinse the bath with water. Not very contaminated bath can be cleaned with two parts of ammonia, mixed with one part of hydrogen peroxide.

There are many chemicals for cleaning rust from bathtubs, but all of them are very damaging to enamel and often not recommended. In addition, such drugs are very harmful to the skin and can even cause allergies in people prone to this disease.

How to clean a cast iron bath?

As a rule, to clean a cast-iron bath is much easier than enamel. Modern cast iron bathtubs have a glossy coating, so the dirt is not absorbed into the metal and can be cleaned with a soap solution, gel or cleaning cream, and wiping heavily soiled areas with a kapron brush. After this, the bath should be rinsed well with water. To whiten an old cast-iron bath , you can choose a chemical such as Cif, Comet, Sannox, Phenolux.

Do not clean the bath with abrasive agents, metal brushes. Containers containing concentrated acids should be avoided.

Follow these simple rules, and your bath will always be as new.