What is cerebral palsy in children, why there is a disease, and how to deal with it?

About such a disease as cerebral palsy, everyone heard at least once, although, perhaps, did not come across. What is cerebral palsy in general? The concept unites a group of chronic motor disorders that arise due to damage to the brain structures, and this occurs before birth, during the prenatal period. The disorders observed in paralysis may be different.

Disease of cerebral palsy - what is it?

Cerebral palsy is a disease of the nervous system that occurs as a result of brain damage: the trunk, cortex, subcortical areas, capsules. The pathology of the nervous system of cerebral palsy in newborns is not hereditary, but some genetic factors in its development participate (up to 15% of cases). Knowing what is cerebral palsy in children, doctors are able to diagnose it in time and prevent the development of the disease in the perinatal period.

Forms of cerebral palsy

Pathology includes various disorders: paralysis and paresis, hyperkinesia, changes in muscle tone, speech and movement coordination, lag in motor and mental development. Traditionally, it is common to divide cerebral palsy into forms. The main five (plus the non-thin and mixed):

  1. Spastic diplegia is the most common type of pathology (40% of cases), in which the muscles of the upper or lower limbs are impaired, the spine and joints are deformed.
  2. Spastic tetraplegia , partial or complete paralysis of the limbs - one of the most severe forms, expressed in excessive muscle tension. Man is unable to control his legs and hands, he suffers from pain.
  3. The hemiplegic form is characterized by the weakening of the muscles of only one half of the body. The hand on the affected side suffers more than the leg. Prevalence is 32%.
  4. Dyskinetic (hyperkinetic) form is sometimes found in other types of cerebral palsy. It is expressed in the appearance of involuntary movements in the arms and legs, muscles of the face and neck.
  5. Ataxic - a form of cerebral palsy, manifested in a lowered muscle tone, ataxia (inconsistency of actions). The movements are inhibited, the balance is severely disrupted.

Children's cerebral palsy - the causes of

If one of the forms of cerebral palsy develops, the causes of the onset may be different. They affect the development of the fetus during pregnancy and the first month of life of the baby. A serious risk factor is prematurity . But the main reason can not always be determined. The main processes leading to the fact that such a disease as cerebral palsy develops:

  1. Intrauterine hypoxia of the fetus and ischemic lesions. From the lack of oxygen, those parts of the brain that respond to the provision of motor mechanisms suffer.
  2. Disturbance of development of brain structures.
  3. Rhesus-conflict with the development of hemolytic jaundice of newborns.
  4. Pathology of pregnancy ( placental abruption , nephropathy ). Sometimes, if cerebral palsy develops, the reasons lie in the transferred diseases of the mother: diabetes, heart defects, hypertension, etc.
  5. Intrauterine infections are viral, such as herpes.
  6. Medical error during the birth.
  7. Infectious and toxic damage to the brain in infancy.

Cerebral Palsy Symptoms

When the question arises: what is cerebral palsy, immediately comes to mind pathology with impaired motor activity and speech. In fact, almost a third of children with this diagnosis develop other genetic diseases that are similar to cerebral palsy only externally. The first signs of cerebral palsy can be detected immediately after birth. The main symptoms manifested in the first 30 days:

Subsequently, when the child begins to actively develop, the pathology manifests itself by the lack of the necessary reflexes and reactions. The baby does not hold the head, reacts sharply to the touch and does not respond to noise, makes the same movements and takes unnatural poses, hardly sucks the breast, shows excessive irritability or lethargy. Up to three months of age, it is realistic to make a diagnosis if you closely monitor the development of the baby.

Stages of cerebral palsy

The earlier the pathology is diagnosed, the greater the chance of a complete cure. The disease does not progress, but it all depends on the degree of brain damage. The stages of cerebral palsy in children are divided into:

Treatment of cerebral palsy

Not always the diagnosis of cerebral palsy guarantees disability and insolvency, but complex therapy is important to start on time. The brain of the baby has more opportunities to restore its functions. The main task of treatment in childhood is the development of the maximum of all skills. At an early stage, this includes correction of motor disorders, gymnastics and massage, stimulation of reflexes. The efforts of doctors are aimed at arresting pathologies, can be prescribed:

Is it possible to cure cerebral palsy?

The main question that worries the parents of a sick kid: is it possible to cure cerebral palsy in a child completely? It can not be unequivocally stated, especially when the changes occurred in the structures of the brain, but the disease is amenable to correction. At the age of 3 years in 60-70% of cases it is possible to restore the normal functioning of the brain and especially the motor functions. On the part of parents it is important not to miss the first symptoms, not to ignore the manifestation of abnormalities during pregnancy and childbirth.

Cerebral Palsy - Clinical Recommendations

The main task of doctors dealing with a child with cerebral palsy is not so much to heal as to adapt the patient. The kid must realize his full potential. Treatment involves medication and other therapies, as well as training: development of the emotional sphere, improvement of hearing and speech, social adaptation. With the diagnosis of infantile cerebral palsy, treatment can not be unambiguous. Everything depends on the complexity and localization of the lesion.

Massage in children's cerebral palsy

Understanding what CPI is and how important it is to start rehabilitation in a timely manner, the child's parents should regularly attend courses of therapeutic massage and exercise therapy with him. Daily procedures not only when visiting a doctor, but also at home - the key to success. Patients with cerebral palsy receive a huge benefit from the massage: lymph flow and blood flow improve, metabolism is activated, damaged muscles are relaxed or stimulated (depending on the problem). Massage should be performed on certain muscle groups and combined with respiratory movements. Classical technique for relaxing:

  1. Superficial and light movements of the masseur, stroking the skin.
  2. Skating of the shoulder muscles and hip joint.
  3. Felting large muscle groups.
  4. Rubbing, including strong, whole body, back, buttocks.

Features of children with cerebral palsy

Parents can be difficult to accept the diagnosis that is given to their child, but it is important not to give up and direct all efforts to rehabilitation and adaptation of the baby. When getting proper care and treatment, people with cerebral palsy feel themselves full members of society. But it is important to understand that each pathology manifests itself in an individual order, this determines the nature of the therapy, its duration and prognosis (positive or not). Features of development of children with paralysis are caused by difficulties arising during coordination of movements. This is manifested in the following:

  1. Slow motion, which forms an imbalance in the development of thinking. There are problems with mastering mathematics, as it is difficult for children to consider.
  2. Emotional disorders - increased vulnerability, impressionability, attachment to parents.
  3. Changed mental capacity. Even in cases where the intellect develops normally and only the muscles suffer, the child can not digest all incoming information as quickly as peers.

Caring for a child with cerebral palsy

What is important to consider and how to care for a child with cerebral palsy in mental and physical terms? The latter implies compliance with all the recommendations of the doctor, exercise, ensuring a proper sleep, regular walks, games, swimming, classes. It is important that the child perceives daily routine actions as an additional exercise for fixing patterns of movements. In the emotional plan, the future of the child depends on the parents. If you show pity and excessive custody, the kid can close in himself, striving for development.

The rules are as follows:

  1. Do not emphasize the characteristics of behavior that are caused by the disease.
  2. Manifestations of activity, on the contrary, are encouraged.
  3. To form a correct self-esteem.
  4. Encourage new steps to development.

Devices for children with cerebral palsy

If cerebral palsy in newborns may not manifest itself at all, then at a later age the differences are noticeable. The baby is difficult to maintain a stable posture while lying, sitting, coordination of movements is broken. The pedestal is movable and can not be obtained with the help of a special device. Rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy (including infants) implies the use of such devices:

  1. Wedge - a triangle of dense material, which is placed under the baby's chest for easy lying. The upper part of the trunk is raised, the child is easier to control the position of the head, move his hands and feet.
  2. Corner board means fixing the position of the body on its side. Designed for children with severe disabilities.
  3. Stender oblique is necessary for mastering the standing posture. The child is at a certain angle (it is adjustable).
  4. Stoiak - is similar to a stander, but is intended for children who know how to hold the position of the trunk, but can not stand without support.
  5. Suspended hammocks , with which the infant is able to keep the pelvis and shoulders on one level, head on the middle line. Suppresses attempts to arch the back.
  6. The accessories for the game are soft rollers, inflatable balls.

Development of children with cerebral palsy

To improve the prognosis, in addition to undergoing therapy, it is necessary to practice developmental activities with children, cerebral palsy requires daily exercises: speech therapy, mobile, water, etc. With kids it is useful to play games, improving tactile, auditory, visual sensations, developing concentration. Animal figurines and balls are the most accessible and useful toys. But no less than the purchased products of the child attract simple objects:

Cerebral Palsy - Forecast

If a diagnosis of cerebral palsy is made, the prognosis for life is usually favorable. Patients can become normal parents and live to a very old age, although life expectancy can be reduced because of mental underdevelopment, the development of a secondary ailment-epilepsy, and the lack of social adaptation in society. If you start treatment on time, you can achieve almost complete recovery.

What is cerebral palsy? Unpleasant, but not fatal pathology, with which there is a chance to live a full life. According to statistics, 2-6 out of 1000 newborns suffer from cerebral palsy and are forced to undergo lifelong rehabilitation. Development is complicated, but most patients (up to 85%) have a mild and moderate form of ailment and lead a full-fledged lifestyle. Guarantee of success: diagnosed in childhood and the passage of a full range of activities - medical and physiotherapy, regular home classes.