Clothing of Ancient China

China is one of the oldest states in the world. There was a great empire beginning from 221 BC. e. A lot of chronicles and archaeological materials have come down to us, along which it is possible to study the culture, inventions, religion and clothes of ancient China.

Fashion of ancient China

The aesthetic ideals of China changed with each era. For example, in the Tang era, lush female forms were valued. In the Sun era it was fashionable to be elegant, with a flat chest, thin brushes and a miniature foot. Little girls very tightly bandaged the leg with stiff straps, so that it stops growing.

Severe climatic conditions (severe cold and heat), led to multilayered clothing of the Chinese. Main clothes of Chinese women:

  1. Ishan - a suit consisting of a sweatshirt and a skirt.
  2. Jiaolingpao - single-breasted gown, which is accepted to smack to the right (barbarians plowed to the left).
  3. Shenyi - a dressing gown cut off the waist.
  4. Yuanlingpao - a set consisting of wide pants, sweaters and a double-breasted gown with a round collar.

Women's Clothing of Ancient China

In ancient China, by dress, it was possible to determine the social status of a woman. Simple and poor Chinese women wore clothes made of cotton, as well as from other plant tissues. Basically it was shapeless sweaters and pants, in which it was convenient to work in the field. The robe was considered the outer clothing, in severe winters they were dressed in several pieces. From the rain, inventive women came up with raincoats made of straw or wicker grass.

The imperial family and noble women wore silk. They were graceful dressing gowns with long sleeves, under which were also pants. Instead of a bra in those days, women wore a narrow sleeveless jacket with buttons. For the cold weather in their wardrobe there were cloaks of wool and fluff.

Dresses of ancient China were bright and rich in embroidery. They were decorated with decorative circles - tuan, which contained symbols: flowers, butterflies, birds, as well as stories from literary works.

Shoes in the style of ancient China is quite diverse. Initially, these were light woven straws with straps on the straps. A little later they began to make shoes made of leather and fabric. Ancient Chinese women wore shoes on high soles, which was decorated with embroidery.

Women did high hairstyles, so instead of hats it was customary to wear umbrellas.

The culture and fashion of ancient China is very beautiful, rich and exotic. From generation to generation, Chinese masters brought in something new, surprising everyone with their skill.