Vaccination from tuberculosis is important information for parents

Vaccination against tuberculosis for many residents of the post-Soviet space becomes the first in life. She is made a newborn in the maternity hospital. The vaccine does not protect against tubercle bacillus infection by 100%, but it is intended to strengthen the immune system and prevent the manifestation of complications of the disease.

Is there a vaccine for tuberculosis?

To date, TB vaccinations are mandatory in 64 countries around the world. As early as 118 states, they refer to the recommended ones. Even in countries where vaccination is not mandatory, vaccination against tuberculosis is made for people who live in conditions that do not meet sanitary standards. In addition, the vaccine relies on residents of those countries in which a large number of cases of infection are registered.

Do vaccinations protect against tuberculosis completely? So far, such drugs have not been invented. Existing vaccines are used for preventive purposes. They do not allow the outgrowth of the disease from the latent form to the open, prevent the infection of the joint and bone tissues. A big plus - vaccination can significantly reduce the incidence among children.

Vaccine against tuberculosis to newborns

Some parents mistakenly believe that a small child has nowhere to "catch" tuberculosis. At the same time, adults do not take into account the fact that in the territory of the countries of the former CIS, about 2/3 of the total adult population are carriers of tuberculosis pathogens. Carriers do not get sick due to strong immunity, but they spread mycobacteria everywhere. So the pathogen can "overtake" the child during any walk and meeting.

The BCG inoculation vaccine protects against tuberculosis in severe form and does not allow complications, such as tuberculous meningitis . The vaccine is sparing, therefore it is allowed for almost all children. Including malovnym, premature, weakened, suffering from congenital malformations and pathologies. Newborns with an increase in the shadow of the thymus ( thymus gland ), jaundice and hyaline membrane disease also tolerate the vaccine well.

New vaccine against tuberculosis

The data of the World Health Organization is disappointing. According to them, infection with a stick of Koch threatens every third person on the planet. So in a good way, the vaccine against tuberculosis is required by everyone. Canadian scientists have developed and are in the process of testing a new formulation, which is primarily intended to enhance the action of the available BCG serum. A new inoculation against tuberculosis reactivates all the elements of the immune system that have managed to adapt and have weakened after primary immunization.

Vaccination from tuberculosis for children - "for" and "against"

Although the benefits of vaccination are obvious, in recent years more and more parents have refused to conduct it. The main reason for the refusal - BCG vaccination has serious consequences. Parents of vaccinated children note the development of allergies, inflammation of the lymph nodes, frequent conjunctivitis, otitis and bronchitis years after the vaccination. But this is not a true judgment. In fact, the vaccine has a minimum of consequences. And if complications appear, then only against the background of non-compliance with contraindications, the introduction of poor-quality serum, improper conduct of the procedure.

Affirming that the vaccination of BCG from tuberculosis is harmful, we are convinced that it contains formalin, mercury salts, phenol, aluminum hydroxide. But this information has no scientific basis. As part of the vaccine there are particles of the causative agent of the disease, grown in laboratory conditions. Their content is sufficient to develop immunity, and scanty for harming the body.

Pros of vaccination to newborns:


How is the inoculation against tuberculosis?

To vaccination was successful and painless, it must be done correctly. The injection must necessarily be done by a specialist in an equipped laboratory. The following equipment will be needed for vaccination:

Like any other procedure, vaccination against tuberculosis begins with the disinfection of the hands, the instrument. The vaccine is diluted with a solvent and is injected into the syringe. Remains of air are squeezed out. Before injection, the injection site is treated with alcohol. The needle is injected subcutaneously at an angle of 10-15 degrees. Vaccination against tuberculosis should never fall into the muscles - this can lead to a cold abscess. Immediately after the injection, the patient needs to watch for half an hour. If during this period no reactions are manifested, it can be released.

A vaccination against tuberculosis - when do?

To ensure maximum protection, BCG in the hospital is done at 4-7 days after birth. If for some reason - mainly if there are contraindications - it is impossible to inoculate, the pediatrician suggests moving it for 2 months. In the case if a vaccine against tuberculosis is administered to children older than 3 months, a Mantoux test is required beforehand.

Where is the inoculation against tuberculosis?

To prevent and minimize the negative consequences, it is necessary to choose the correct site for the introduction of serum. The effectiveness of vaccination depends on which hand the injection is made (usually the right one is chosen). Immunizations from tuberculosis to children are put in the area where the skin is the most dense. The place is chosen as follows: the hand is conditionally divided into three parts. Approximately in the area of ​​the joint of the upper section with the middle and the drug is administered. Vaccination against tuberculosis in newborns is usually placed in the upper third of the shoulder.

How much does the vaccine work against tuberculosis?

After the introduction of the vaccine, the immunity lasts for 6-7 years. Children who have reached 7 or 14 years of age are vaccinated against tuberculosis selectively. To find out whether you need to vaccinate the child repeatedly, put Mantoux test . The reaction to the vaccine appears on the third day. Revaccination from tuberculosis is carried out only for those who have a negative sample - the papule turns red and increases greatly in size.

Inoculation from tuberculosis to newborns - reaction

As a rule, no reactions appear immediately after injection. Changes become visible only after a month - one and a half after vaccination. On the site where the vaccine was injected from tuberculosis to the newborn, a small wound with a pustule covered with a scab is formed in the center. Gradually it heals and becomes crusted. When there is complete healing, the crust falls off by itself, and on the site of the injection there is a small scar-like scar.

The BCG vaccine, made in the hospital, leaves behind a round trace, the diameter of which can reach a centimeter. Normal is considered if the scar is painted white and disappears after about a month (subject to proper care). Do not be afraid of such phenomena:

These symptoms are considered normal, because the wound heals, and the body in the meantime leads a healthy fight against foreign bodies that have penetrated into it. So there is a strengthening of the immune system. If after the vaccination the scar completely disappeared, it means that the inoculation is ineffective, and the immunity did not work out. It is possible that this indicates the presence of congenital resistance to tuberculosis. But this is found only in 2% of people.

Vaccination against tuberculosis - contraindications

Sometimes vaccination can not be carried out. Mostly it is contraindicated for children with a weak immune system. In addition to reduced immunity, BCG contraindications have the following: