Trout in foil in the oven

Trout - very convenient in cooking and wonderful to taste fish. It should be noted that trout refers to the "red" species of fish, which contains a rich set of useful ingredients: vitamins, fats, proteins and trace elements. Dishes from trout have a magnificent appearance when served to the table, which enhances the appetite of the taster.

In the preparation of trout dishes it is better to use freshly caught fish. However, this option is not available to all. Frozen trout carcasses are much easier to prepare, but already have a less pronounced fish flavor. How to cook trout in foil, baked in the oven, read further in our article.

How to bake trout with potatoes in the oven in foil?



Potato tubers shred on neat, thin rings and evenly put it on the bottom, chosen by us for cooking, shape. In this case, the bottom of our form is pre-lubricated with vegetable oil.

In a small container, soften the butter and press it into the garlic. Stir thoroughly the resulting mass and apply to the potatoes.

If we use freshly caught fish during cooking, it must first be freed from scales, gutted, separated head and tail and washed with water. When using frozen trout, the carcass should not be completely thawed, but cleaned of scales and thoroughly rinsed with water. In both cases, after washing, trout should be dried using a paper towel.

Sliced ​​portions of chunks should be evenly spread over the potatoes in a mold, and then season with salt, previously ground with black pepper and spices.

Grate the hard cheese on the fish. Mix the cream, salt, pepper and spices and pour the sauce over our dish.

The form prepared for baking, cover with foil and for half an hour, leave in the oven at 160 degrees. After this, release the form from the foil and leave it for ten minutes in the oven to evaporate excess moisture.

Steak trout with lemon in foil in oven - recipe



First of all, you need to properly prepare the trout for further cooking. Clear from scales and internals, if there is none, and there is freshly frozen fish at the disposal, the operations are simplified before scraping and rinsing with water that has not been thawed to the end of the fish. We separate head and tail. Trout cut into pieces in two centimeters - this is the steak.

In a small container we combine salt, pepper and rosemary. The resulting mixture thoroughly rub each steak and put into a bowl. Juice half a lemon and olive oil, pour in a bowl of trout and mix thoroughly steaks in the resulting marinade. Marin fish for 20 minutes and mix the contents of the bowl.

Each steak is stacked individually on the foil and carefully tearing its edges so that when baking the moisture quickly does not evaporate. The foil should be used with a shiny side outward.

We put the "bags" of foil in the oven, heated to 180 degrees, for half an hour.

Trout is served to the table in a neatly unfolded foil or separately from it with stewed vegetables and rice garnish .