Clotrimazole in Pregnancy

Statistical data confirmed that thrush is the most common disease, with the symptoms of which faced almost every woman. He, of course, can be cured, but this process causes special difficulties during the period of bearing of the child. As a rule, after setting such a diagnosis for a future mother, Clotrimazole is recommended for pregnancy. This medicine has become very popular for getting rid of thrush. However, it is allowed only in the second and third trimester of gestation.

What is the drug Clotrimazole for pregnant women?

This drug has a strong antifungal effect and is used only for local disposal of the disease. The spectrum of its effect is quite wide, since the active components of Clotrimazole are able to fight almost all types of fungi that are provocative infections. It is also characterized by antibacterial and trichomonacid effects on the human body. The form of the drug is also different, which allows you to choose the optimal treatment option. You can buy Clotrimazole cream during pregnancy, tablets, suppositories, ointment, lotions and solutions for external mucus.

What is the treatment for Clotrimazole during pregnancy?

This drug is quite successfully helping in the fight against the following diseases:

Vaginal tablets Clotrimazole contribute to the cure of various infections during pregnancy, located in the vagina and the vulva. However, successful recovery from pathology requires simultaneous treatment of a sexual partner, for which Clotrimazole is suitable as a 1% ointment. As a rule, the course of treatment lasts about a month.

How to take Clotrimazole?

The instruction of Clotrimazole during pregnancy contains only generalized prescriptions, which the observing physician should specify. The daily dose and form of release of the drug completely depends on the severity of the disease and its variety. For example, vaginal tablets Clotrimazole during pregnancy should be applied in courses lasting one week. Introduce them with a special applicator and as deep as possible.

Ointment Clotrimazole during pregnancy, as well as lotion or cream, must be applied directly to the affected areas several times a day. The duration of the drug course depends on factors such as:

Very often, future mothers doubt whether it is possible to use clotrimazole during pregnancy. Since it is possible to use any convenient form of the drug, the risk of getting its components into the blood, and then to the baby, is minimized. It is extremely rare to notice some side effects, such as: rash, itching or swelling of the vaginal mucosa.


Clotrimazole should not be used during pregnancy in the first trimester , while its further use at any time should be supervised by an obstetrician-gynecologist. A very important nuance that should be observed for pregnant women is the introduction of vaginal tablets without the help of an applicator. No less important rule, which is indicated in the instructions of clotrimazole candles during pregnancy and in its other forms of release, is a categorical prohibition to take the drug inside.