Cosmoenergetics - how to fulfill desires with the help of cosmic energy frequencies?

The universe is filled with different energy flows that interact with each other. Some of them are able to influence a person, both positively and negatively. There are many techniques with which you can use energy to restore balance within a person.

What is cosmoenergy?

Sacral knowledge and practice, which provides healing, health, spiritual and developmental effects, is called cosmic energy (KEN). With its help, you can connect to the energies, tuning in to their rhythm and thus eliminating their own problems. For the first time, what is the cosmoenergetics was defined and explained by Academician V.A. Petrov. Energy practices are used for self-development, improvement and influence on the world around us.

Why do we need cosmoenergetics?

Everything on the planet has its own frequency range, the characteristics of which can be changed and called this energy-information attunement. The possibilities of space power engineering are enormous, but the most important are the following:

  1. Promotes the expansion of consciousness, spiritual growth and self-realization.
  2. Activates and expands existing creative abilities .
  3. Helps to cope with diseases. Influence is exercised on the physical, etheric, spiritual, emotional and mental body.
  4. Promotes cosmoenergetics to quickly solve existing life problems.

How does Cosmoenergetics treat?

The creator of the methodology asserts that the energy of the cosmic channels possesses intelligence. During the session, they independently find in the person organs that need improvement, or negative information and delete it. It is worth to learn about what is happening at the sessions of cosmoenergetics at the physiological level, so all systems in the body are activated and rebuilt, blood purification takes place, the immune system is strengthened, cell pressure improves and so on.

Cosmoenergetics - "for" and "against"

All people can be divided into three groups: those who do not know about KEN, those who call the technique unique, and those who consider it dangerous. On how cosmoenergetics affects a person from the positive side, it was said above, it remains to determine the possible harm. Experts say that people who decided to learn the practice themselves can get negative consequences.

  1. Opening a channel without experience can cause an energy imbalance.
  2. It is believed that KEN leads to the development of serious health problems and even to the loss of reason.
  3. It is possible to harm karma and doom the next generation to serious anguish.

Types of channels in space power engineering

The KEN uses a huge number of energy flows, which have different characteristics. Cosmoenergetic channels and their discovery - the task is not easy and it is necessary to begin with the study of the theory. Use magical, healing and magister groups and among them you can identify often used. A universal stream that helps to cope with many problems is the Farun-Buddha. Cosmoenergetic channels for beginners necessarily include:

  1. Firast - used to clean the meridians.
  2. Zeus - helps to clean the chakras.
  3. Krion - cleanses the blood and normalizes the work of the chakras.
  4. Sinrah and Sinlah - rejuvenates the body.
  5. Gektas and Midi - eliminates the energy blocks.
  6. Mom - is used if there is a certainty that a negative effect is occurring.
  7. Agni - gives energy and helps to cope with depression .
  8. Hum - relieves stress and negativity.
  9. Bonn - used to treat seriously ill patients.
  10. Do - is needed for astral travel.
  11. Perun - provides protection.
  12. Shiva - develops intellectual abilities .
  13. Dhanvantari - cures all diseases.
  14. Tu, Ukko and Aiske - develops clairvoyance.
  15. Anael - helps to achieve harmony.

Cosmoenergetics - channels, how to work with yourself?

Before proceeding to practice, it is necessary to go through the process of initiation, because without this it is impossible to use energy channels, otherwise they can cause serious harm.

  1. At the session, the teacher concentrates his own matrix and transmits the tuning to the beginner.
  2. As a result, the energy field changes, which changes the frequency.
  3. During this, opens the space energy channels and in the mind of the student there is a key that he can already use in his future practices.

Turning to work with yourself, it is worthwhile to know that there are channels that can not be applied to yourself, so as an example you can bring Nirvana. You can use the channels of the Buddhist block and part of the magic block. The use of energy channels can be of two types:

  1. Purposeful . Used for special sessions, when a person is alone in a previously energetically cleaned room. There is a session on the use of some channel or for cleaning the aura .
  2. Spontaneous . Apply this option, when there is a feeling of negative impact from the side and you need to open the channel urgently to clean and protect yourself.

Cosmoenergetics is the fulfillment of desires

To speed up the process of realizing one's desires, it is possible with the help of simple practice. The dreams are answered by the channel Mitra and Humo. The ritual concerning how to fulfill desires with the help of cosmic energetics frequencies is conducted only after initiation.

  1. It is necessary to make a cherished wish , thinking through every detail in small things.
  2. Standing close your eyes and think only of your desire. In this state, you have to stay until the images begin to appear in your head.
  3. First there will be red and gold colors, and still there will be a ringing or other sounds.
  4. The fact that everything is done correctly will be evidenced by the appearance of a Chinese dragon or other significant figure.

Cosmoenergetics - attracting money

To attract financial flow to yourself, you need to use the money channel of Cabaret. It is important to consider that its adjustment will help to remove the existing blocks for profit. Cosmoenergetic frequencies will contribute to changes in life, for example, there may be prospects at work or new influential acquaintances.

  1. It is necessary to present yourself in a quiet environment rich, programming the channel for profit.
  2. It is important not to stop until there are visual images, by which it will be possible to determine whether cosmoenergetics operates or not.
  3. After connecting to the financial channel, you can ask for what you want, it is important that the desire is as specific as possible.

Cosmoenergetics - cleaning and consequences

Before using energy flows, it is necessary to clean the channels. Do it better under the supervision of a specialist, but there are other available ways that you can master yourself. If we do not conduct a simple ritual, the treatment with cosmoenergetics will be useless, and in some cases even dangerous.

  1. In a disposable plate it is necessary to pour 1/8 of a pack of salt, which absorbs the negative negatively. It should be placed on the floor near the feet.
  2. Close your eyes and relax as much as possible. If you want to enable relaxing music.
  3. Imagine that the legs are the roots that make their way deep into the earth to the magma itself and it flows in an intense stream to the feet.
  4. Set yourself the task of finding energy blocks that will respond with a tingling sensation or a cold sensation.
  5. With the help of ethereal hands, raise the energy coming into the feet. Do this slowly and if interference is felt, you need to get blocks and throw them in salt. Negative can represent in different images, for example, in the form of bolts, knives, dirt and so on.
  6. So it is necessary to work out the legs, and then, the trunk, shoulders, neck, and hands. In the end, the effect occurs on the head, but it is important not to touch the brain.
  7. At the next stage, cosmoenergetics means creating an improvised dish on the shoulders, in which it is necessary to collect the energy of the fire.
  8. It remains only to breathe fire all over the body and pat yourself to close the wounds left after removing the negative.
  9. Salt must be thrown out, saying these words: "I give the Earth for processing to the fertility of the soil." A repeat session is important to spend three days, and then, two weeks and two months later.

Cosmoenergetics is a myth or a reality?

People who are engaged in these practices are sure that this is a great discovery of modernity in the field of medicine and not only. There are many stories about how the correct use of the energy of the universe helped to cope with various problems in life and to improve one's health. You can find people who claim that the whole truth about cosmoenergetics is hidden and in fact it is more like a sect. Masters of KEN control the consciousness of people who turn into zombies.

Specialists of this area believe that all negative reports are related only to the fact that cosmoenergetics is used incorrectly, which causes unpleasant consequences. In fact, today there is no way to give an unambiguous assessment of this phenomenon and to understand the myth or reality. Many people think that cosmoenergetics is quackery, because it has not yet been recognized as an official science, and it can be considered more of an occult direction.

Why do people believe in cosmoenergetics?

Similar questions will probably arise until the opportunity to use energy channels is proven. Many believe that cosmoenergetics is nothing more than the auto-suggestion and the action of powerful visualization, which is used in esoteric and magic. It turns out that a person, as it were, imposes certain things on himself and, after all possible means, tries to implement them. All this explains the belief in miracles.

The attitude of the church towards cosmoenergetics

According to experts, KEN is free from religions, therefore all interested people can use it. It does not interfere with praying and observing different traditions. In the opinion of clergymen, cosmoenergetics and the church are two incompatible things, because all such techniques are considered to be demonic, which distracts a person from faith and does not allow him to communicate with God.