Cold hands of the child

The appearance in the family of the baby is connected with the beginning of a new life and the appearance of a mass of new worries, anxieties and joys for the parents. Young mothers are sensitive to every change in the health and life of the baby, and are prone to panic about and without it. However, it also happens that the really important symptoms are ignored. In this article, we will consider the possible reasons why the child has cold hands, whether it is worth worrying about and how to get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon.

So, your child is always cold hands. Possible reasons for this are:

If the child always has cold hands, first of all, exclude the possibility of these diseases - show the child to the doctor. It is worth noting that in an infant, cold hands are not at all an indicator of illness. In infants, thermoregulation is not the same as in adults, so newborns often have cold fingers even in the heat. If the baby has a normal appetite and sleep, there is nothing to worry about. If the crumb has become whimsical and refuses to eat - consult a doctor.

At the age of 5-7 years, children often have cold extremities due to dystonia. In this there is nothing terrible, because during this period all the systems of the body are actively developing, children are growing, and the vessels do not always have time to adapt. The same happens in adolescence. At this time, it is more important than ever to provide the child with adequate nutrition with enough vitamins and minerals.

If the "cold extremities" syndrome continues to bother the child already at a more adult age, from about 12 to 17 years old, dystonia should not be allowed to go by itself. Most parents think that the cause of such violations are stress and stress in school, but this is partly true. Observation of the child and timely treatment will help to avoid such a problem as the emergence of vegetative crises (panic attacks). The choice of medicines for a vegetative crisis should be treated with extreme caution, so as not to cause the child to become addicted and need constant use in order to achieve a relief.

Very often cold extremities in children are due to hypothermia. Increased body temperature in the child, accompanied by cold hands, often happens with flu and colds. After recovery, the problem of cold hands usually goes by itself.

What should I do if my child has cold hands and feet?

  1. Avoid the possibility of vegetative-vascular dystonia, anemia and thyroid diseases. This can be done by consulting with a doctor.
  2. Make the child's life more active. Do it with morning exercises - it helps to "disperse" blood perfectly.
  3. Monitor the nutrition of your children. In the daily diet of the child must necessarily be hot food.
  4. Choose for your children quality clothes that do not restrict movement. Nothing should be too tight or narrow. This also applies to shoes.
  5. In the diet of the family (especially in the winter), it will not hurt to include ginger. This amazing spice has an excellent warming and toning effect. Remember that ginger is not desirable for very young children, as well as for people suffering from gastric ulcer.