Suprax for children

Modern parents are very wary of the fact that their children are prescribed antibiotics. Gone are the days when antibiotic therapy was prescribed to children at every "sneeze" for the purpose of prevention. Doctors, armed with the experience of many years of use, now appoint them when they are really needed, but even trusting experts, one should definitely own basic information about certain drugs.

Supraks is an antibiotic of a new generation, which contains the active substance cefixin. The drug has a wide range of effects, inhibiting the synthesis of the cell membrane pathogens. Supraks suspension for children is intended for use at the age of six months to 12 years. Its big plus is that it has a pleasant aroma and taste and therefore you do not have to persuade a sick capricious person to drink an insipid medicine - the kids take it with pleasure.

Features of suprax for children

Supraks is the strongest drug from the so-called "reserve". This means that it is prescribed when other, less powerful drugs do not help. Do not start treatment immediately with it, otherwise the weaker drugs will stop helping in principle.

So, if your child is prescribed an antibiotic suprax for children, then there are really good reasons for this:

The main advantage of this antibiotic is a quick and effective treatment, a positive effect occurs on the 2-3 day of admission. However, it does not suit everyone, individual allergic reactions and side effects are possible. In addition, some mothers note the lack of positive dynamics of the disease when treated with supraxomes.

Suprax, dosage for children

Of course, the dosage is prescribed exclusively by the doctor, which is guided by the child's age, weight, nature and course of the disease. But the basic principles still need to know:

The course of treatment usually lasts 10 days. Be consistent - do not throw the medication at the first signs of a retreat of the disease, for fear of side reactions. The consequences of not completely cured diseases are much more serious and more likely.

Contraindications to suprax administration

Side effects

Like the vast majority of serious drugs, suprax has side effects. From their appearance it is impossible To insure, however, this does not mean that they will appear at your child's. But you still need to know about them:

For the prevention of stomatitis and dysbiosis in parallel with suprax, doctors prescribe probiotics - drugs that normalize the intestinal microflora, and antifungal.

It should be remembered that suprax for children is prescribed only for specific diagnoses, for example, angina and only after a personal examination. Do not rely on advice on the Internet and the experience of friends and prescribe such a serious drug yourself.