How to stay calm?

Our life is full of stresses, complex life situations, for the solution of which often requires aging, sober calculation and self-control. It's not so simple: how to remain calm and not nervous, when the situation can get out of control, and its result - to become completely unexpected. But it is in these cases that extreme concentration is needed. However, often we ourselves, unwillingly, become a source of stress or the cause of a negative attitude to ourselves: lack of tact and incontinence are often able to strike at the most positive reputation of an employee. That such problems did not arise, it is necessary to know how to remain calm in stressful situations.

Ways of keeping calm

You can learn to be calm. To do this, you need to use simple, but important tips:

  1. Do not exaggerate . Accustom yourself not to inflate the problem to unthinkable scales. It is possible that solving it is not difficult, so do not "pump up" and nerve nerves to yourself and others.
  2. Do not tell everyone about your problem . From this it will not become easier, and additional problems can appear a lot. Better without emotions and advisers analyze the situation - you will find the way out.
  3. Avoid sources of irritation . Try to understand who or what is taking you out of balance and, if possible, try to avoid these irritants.
  4. Have a rest . Learn to find time for rest, then the question of how to remain calm in any situation will be solved much easier.
  5. Do not blame yourself . Stop doing "samoyedstvo" and endlessly reproach yourself for the problems that have arisen, but do not go to the other extreme: blame others for everything, considering yourself a victim of circumstances and the machinations of ill-wishers.
  6. Do not panic . Even if the situation seems to be threatening: sit down, so that no one disturbs you, take a few deep breaths and breathe - this will be enough to realize how to remain calm and soberly assess the severity of the problem, and find ways to solve it.

Chinese wisdom says: "If the problem is solved, one should not be nervous; if it is not solved - the more so. " This will guide us.