Treatment of otitis in children

Otitis is an infectious disease that causes inflammation of one of the ear sections: external, middle or internal. Because of the anatomical features of the middle ear, children are more likely to suffer from this disease than adults. Most often, otitis occurs against the background of the transferred ARI, in addition, the cause may be a weakening of immunity, hypothermia, or, conversely, overheating. As for newborns, the disease is caused by the ingress of the amniotic fluid into the middle ear.

Signs and symptoms of otitis in children

It is difficult enough to diagnose this disease in infants, because they can not complain of pain or hearing loss. The main signal for parents can become unmotivated anxiety of the baby, crying, irritability and sleep disturbance. Typically, with otitis in a child, you can observe the following symptoms:

Types of otitis media in children

Depending on the localization of the inflammatory process, otitis occurs: external, middle and inner. The most common disease in children is otitis media, which, based on morphological changes, is divided into:

In addition, depending on the course of the disease, otitis can be acute or chronic.

Otitis in children - first aid

Parents can alleviate the symptoms of the disease in a child before the arrival of a doctor. In the case of fever, you can give the baby an antipyretic. Also, should be dripped into the nose vasoconstrictor drops, which should slightly ease the pain. The ear itself should be warm and, preferably, drip into it drops with analgesic effect or ordinary boric alcohol.

Treatment of otitis in children

When otitis symptoms are present in children, it is necessary to contact an otolaryngologist who can assess the severity of the disease and prescribe adequate treatment. Typically, initially as a treatment recommend special ear drops that contain painkillers. If the pain does not pass within three days, you should contact your doctor again. It is possible that in this situation, antibiotics will be prescribed to suppress the infection in otitis in children. In the event that a child has pus in his ear, the doctor will most likely recommend a small operation - a paracentesis, in which pus accumulates behind the eardrum.

Prevention of otitis in children

Prophylaxis of otitis is to prevent thick mucus from clogging the Eustachian tube. It should be remembered that liquid secretions are not dangerous, but do not let the mucus thicken - this is also not as simple as it might seem at first glance. First of all, it is necessary not to allow water deficiency in the body, and, therefore, to drink more. In case of high body temperature, take antipyretics in time, in relation to the recommendations of the treating doctor. Of course, regular airing and wet room cleaning is also an important factor in the prevention of otitis in children.

It should be remembered that with the timely and proper treatment of otitis quickly passes and almost never ends with a decrease in hearing in the child.