Hippeastrum - home care

Hyppeastrum is a long-lasting bulbous flower belonging to the family of amaryllis and sometimes mistaken for amaryllis . This plant enjoys the love of horticultural amateurs thanks to uncomplicated care and its rather bright bloom. Large flowers appear on high arrows, reaching a length of up to half a meter, collected in an umbellate inflorescence of 2 to 5 pieces at once. Their coloration is diverse - orange, pale red, burgundy, lilac, pink, white, cream, etc. There are hippeastrums with mixed shades of flowers in the form of strokes, lines, specks. The plant dissolves its tender inflorescences usually to the beginning of spring, at the rest of the time it represents two or three linear basal leaves growing their large bulb, the edge of which is raised above the soil.

Hyppeastrum: how to care?

Since the birthplace of this flower is South America, it is quite suitable conditions that are close to the tropical or subtropical climate. The plant is better placed in a place where the lighting is bright, but diffuse. Direct sunlight can be harmful to both leaves and flowers of the hippeastrum. Favorable temperature for the plant is 20-25 ° C in the summer. In winter, hippeastrum requires a decrease in air temperature to 15 ° C.

This resident of the window sills rather tolerates dry air indoors, but during the flowering period it is recommended to periodically spray the inflorescence from the spray gun. Especially important for gippeastrum watering: the land should not be completely dry, but potting is also harmful to the bulb of the plant, which because of excess moisture can begin to rot. It is better to make fertilizers when the flower arrow reaches a height of 15-20 cm. Preference should be given to phosphorus-potassium compounds. In the speed, thanks to top dressing, there will be beautiful flowers that will please you within two to three weeks. And when the inflorescences dry, there will be a long arrow. Many amateur growers are interested in when the gippeastrum has faded, what to do next with its pedicel. It should be pruned, but not under the root, but leaving more than half its height. The plant will take all the nutrients from them. And after drying, the flower stalk is cut completely. Hippeastrum after flowering during the rest period (September - January) is better to transfer to a dark cool place and significantly reduce watering.

The most simple at home is considered to be gippeastrum reproduction of children. In summer, during the transplant, the baby with roots is separated from the adult plant and transplanted into a separate pot.

How to transplant the hippeastrum?

Plant transplant should be done in the middle - at the end of winter or at the end of summer. The best pot for gippeastrum is a high, narrow container, which is necessary for the development of the root system of the flower and flowering. Preliminary preparation of land for hippeastrum - a mixture of turf, peat, sand and humus in a ratio of 2: 1: 1: 1. At the bottom of the pot you need to pour the drainage layer, and then the substrate. The bulb of the plant is planted so that one third of it is above the ground.

Pests and diseases of hippeastrum

Fairly often, flower growers are interested if the hippeastrum does not bloom, what to do in this case. Usually advise to pay attention to the size of the pot. In a large capacity, all the forces of the plant go to the development of the root system. The reason that hippeastrum does not bloom, can be a strong penetration of the bulb into the ground.

The appearance of blackness on leaves and onions is usually associated with an excessively low temperature in the room. The lethargy and paleness of the leaves is explained by the stagnation of water or excessive watering.

One of the most common plant diseases is staganosporosis, or a red burn of bulbs. If the red spots and divorces appear on the flower, all affected areas must be cut immediately, the sections cut with green or foundation, and then the gippeastrum is transplanted into a new pot with a new substrate.

The plant can also suffer from pests ( eg , a worm , a false crutch). In this case, insecticides are used.

If you follow the basic recommendations for gippeastrum transplantation, care at home, the reward will be a chic blossom on the windowsill.