Coloring of the sombre

The method of coloring somre is in many respects similar to the previous method - ombre . Technique sombre implies a transition from a dark shade at the roots of the hair to a lighter one at the ends. However, if in the case of the ombre the transition was sharp and contrast, then in the sombra it is softer and smoother. Actually, its name stands for soft ombre - soft ombre.

Hair coloring in sombre

Such coloring today is incredibly popular among Hollywood stars. Following the world trends of transition to everything natural, the stars choose the most natural overflow of hues in their hair. Their example with lightning speed began to follow girls and women around the world.

Stylists believe that the most suitable for young women is fair-haired girls, although achieving this effect is rather difficult for them. However, even for brunettes, the coloring of the sombra is not bad. The effect looks as if some strands burned slightly in the sun. It will be amazing to look sombra, if you add a little golden, caramel, honey shades.

Advantages of somre

As already mentioned, the hair, painted by the sombre method, looks more natural. There is no abrupt transition from the dark shade at the roots to the light tips, as with the ombre. On the contrary, the transition stretches over the entire length of the hair. Obtained hardly noticeable glare on all the hair.

The transition to lighter shades in sombres begins not with the middle of the hair, but closer to the roots. To get the desired effect, you need to retreat from the roots of five centimeters and lighten not all the hair, but only individual strands.

On brunettes this effect looks amazing. And for blondes, somre becomes an alternative to full staining of hair. At the same time, their hair looks very natural and the whole appearance is fantastically transformed.