Asthenozoospermia - treatment of all degrees of pathology

Asthenozoospermia, whose treatment is a long process, is a disorder in which the mobility of male sex cells decreases. The causes of the disease can be different. Consider it in more detail, highlighting the provoking factors, the degree of the disease, the methods of therapy.

What is "astenozoospermia" in men?

Often, when establishing the cause of a long absence of conception , a survey, men face a similar diagnosis. However, they do not know what "asthenozoospermia" means. To understand, it is necessary to consider the characteristics of male sex cells. Their main characteristic, after morphology and structure, is mobility. Directly on this depends the success of conception.

When assessing the quality of ejaculate, it is customary to allocate 4 classes of spermatozoa:

After assessing the results of the spermogram, the doctors compare the number of spermatozoa with the violation of movement to the total number. As a result, the final diagnosis is made. In conclusion, the doctor indicates directly the degree of asthenozoospermia, based on the obtained data of laboratory studies. This is important in the compilation of the algorithm of therapeutic measures.

Asthenozoospermia of 1 degree

After the results of such an investigation as the spermogram, asthenozoospermia of 1 degree are estimated, the concentration of spermatozoa of classes A and B is reduced to 50%. With this concentration of germ cells, sperm have a large fertilizing potential - the chance to become a father is great. Minor correction allows to solve existing problems and conceive a child.

Asthenozoospermia of 2nd degree

This degree of pathology is often indicated in the conclusion of specialists, as a moderate asthenozoospermia. In this case, the number of spermatozoa A, B classes is up to 40%. Such a degree requires a thorough survey to establish and eliminate the causes that caused the violation. The probability of fertilization is low, you need to see a doctor for a course of therapy.

Asthenozoospermia of the 3rd degree

The diagnosis of "asthenozoospermia of the third degree" is made on the basis of the results of the spermogram. This type of study indicates a qualitative change in the ejaculate. So quality, mobile spermatozoa make up less than 30% of the total number of sex cells found in the sperm. The predominance of spermatozoa of the C and D classes is fixed. Conception without prior treatment becomes impossible.

Asthenozoospermia - the causes of

Long-term investigation of the disease, thorough diagnosis of situations, helped to establish the main, provoking factors of the development of asthenozoospermia, the causes of which:

How to cure asthenozoospermia?

Talking about how to treat asthenozoospermia, doctors pay attention to the correct establishment of a provoking factor. The algorithm of the prescribed therapy depends directly on the cause. Often, taking certain medications helps to get rid of the disease. But with the genetic mutation of astenozoospermia, the treatment is not effective, and the question arises of assisted reproductive techniques. In other cases, the disorder therapy is based on:

Astenozoospermia - treatment, drugs

Stimulation of spermatogenesis helps to solve the problem. The drugs used improve the blood flow in the male sex glands, which affects the quality of the spermatozoa produced by them. With a disease like astenozoospermia, the drugs use the following:

After the establishment of the disease asthenozoospermia, treatment is selected individually. The drug, its dosage and the frequency of use, the duration of application is always indicated by the doctor. As a means of positively affecting the formation of sex cells, use vitamin complexes and dietary supplements:

If the disease is provoked by the inflammatory process in the reproductive system, anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed:

Asthenozoospermia - treatment with folk remedies

With such a pathology as astenozoospermia, folk remedies can be used as additional. Among the available and effective recipes is:

  1. Ginseng root. Take 90 g and chop the meat grinder. The received mass is poured with 1 liter of honey, 1 month is insisted in a dark place, take 1 teaspoon of tea three times a day.
  2. Plantain. Leaves of grass, dried and crushed in an amount of 1 tablespoon of a dining room, pour a glass of boiling water, insist 1 hour. Take 4 times a day, 50 ml at a time.
  3. Sage. Spoon table dry grass poured 250 ml of boiling water, insist. After cooling, they are divided into 3 parts, which are taken every time before eating.

Asthenozoospermia - can I get pregnant?

Even changes in the reproductive system, deterioration in the quality of the ejaculate can not completely rule out conception. Because of this, doctors say that asthenozoospermia and pregnancy in rare cases are compatible. Everything depends on the degree of violation. So pregnancy by a natural way is quite possible, when there is a mild asthenozoospermia, whose treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis. In 90% moderate and 1 degree is administered therapy.

Asthenozoospermia and IVF

With severe violation, poor quality of the sex cells, artificial insemination becomes the only option for conception. In this case, insemination, asthenozoospermia of the initial stage dispenses with it, assumes the fertilization of the oocyte by pre-selected male sex cells. During the training, doctors evaluate the morphology, motility of spermatozoa, and choose from ejaculate suitable for fertilization. There are several options for IVF, the choice of which depends on the degree of the disease: