Nursing Mom's Diet

Each mother feeding her baby with breast milk, you should know - to avoid many health problems (your and the baby), you must adhere to a certain diet. But not always a woman knows what can and can not eat during this period, and also that there are products that simply need to be included in the menu.

In this article, we will consider what kind of diet is required for a nursing mother, and how it varies depending on the age of her child.

Prohibited foods in the ration of a nursing woman

When making a menu for a woman feeding her newborn baby, it should be borne in mind that all that she uses herself, somehow through the milk enters the body to the baby. As a result, his health also changes. Proceeding from this, it is strictly forbidden to consume the following products:

But at the same time, it is necessary to observe a certain caloric content of the ration of the nursing mother, because she needs the strength to take care of the child. Dieticians and doctors have developed daily allowances to help a woman who is eager to eat properly. In them the approximate quantity is specified, how much and what it is necessary to eat.

Approximate ration of feeding mum

To my mother was full of strength and not overworked, a day she needs to receive:

This is possible if it is used daily:

The total energy value of nutrition per day should be 2500-3200 kcal.

Particular attention should be paid to the amount of fluid that is needed by the nursing woman. For normal milk production it is necessary to drink up to 2.5 liters. This is best suited for:

It is recommended to drink directly before feeding for 30 minutes, this will stimulate the production of milk .

Change in diet depending on the age of the child

Depending on the age of the child, the ration of a nursing woman changes over time:

Adhering to these recommendations on the organization of the diet of a nursing mother , you can avoid the appearance of a newborn with many problems: colic, frustration, allergies.