Cefalexin for children

In this article we will review the main characteristics of cephalexin: composition, side effects and contraindications, release forms, and also tell you how to brew cephalexin and how to take it.

Composition of cephalexin

The active substance of the drug is the first generation antibiotic cephalosporins - cephalexin. Depending on the form of release, its concentration can be 250 mg (in the form of tablets or capsules) or 2.5 g (in the form of a powder for the preparation of a suspension).

The drug in the form of tablets and capsules is prescribed to adults, cephalexin suspension is generally used for children, although the appointment of cephalexin in children in capsules is also possible.

Cefalexin: indications for use

Cephalexin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. It has a harmful effect on the following types of microorganisms: E. coli, staphylococcus, pneumococcus, streptococcus, hemophilic rod, proteus, shigella, klebsiella, treponema, salmonella. Enterococci, mycobacterium tuberculosis and enterobacter are resistant to this type of antibiotics.

Given the effectiveness of the drug, depending on the type of bacteria that cause pathology of organs and systems, cephalexin is used to treat:

Cephalexin: contraindications and side effects

The use of cephalexin in some cases can cause a number of side effects, such as: gastrointestinal disorders (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain), dizziness, tremor, weakness, allergic reactions of various types (up to anaphylactic shock).

In connection with this (and also considering the possibility of cross-allergy), the appointment of cephalexin to people with sensitivity or intolerance to antibiotics of a number of penicillins or cephalosporins is contraindicated.

The use of this drug during pregnancy and lactation is not prohibited, but should be done under the supervision of a doctor.

Cefalexin for children: dosage

The dosage of the drug is selected individually, taking into account the type and severity of the disease, the general condition of the patient and concomitant diseases. Depending on the age, generally accepted average doses are:

As a rule, the dosage of the drug for children is about 20 mg per kilogram of the child's body weight. In some cases, the dose of the drug may increase, but the decision to increase or decrease the dosage can only be taken by the attending physician. Self-medication is strictly prohibited.

The minimum course of cefalexin treatment is 2-5 days. It is very important to undergo a full course of treatment prescribed by a doctor, even if the patient's condition is improved before this time (this applies not only to cephalexin, but all other types of antibiotics). In case the reception of the remedy is terminated immediately after the disappearance of the symptoms of the disease (before the doctor's appointed time), the bacteria that caused the disease can not be completely destroyed. Surviving microorganisms become resistant to this type of antibiotic, which means that next time for treatment will have to use stronger drugs.