The husband constantly insults and humiliates - advice of a psychologist

Every woman wants her husband to cherish her and cherish her. Only in this atmosphere does she feel necessary and beloved. Warm relations in the family give the woman wings that help her raise children, support her husband, monitor the house and perform many other functions.

However, sometimes there are situations where the husband constantly humiliates and insults. It is impossible for a woman to remain emotionally balanced and active in such an atmosphere. She can tolerate for a while and hope that her husband will reason. But then all the same there will come a moment when nerves will hand over, and the woman will start to search for an output from the developed situation.

The husband constantly insults and humiliates - advice of a psychologist

The fact that a husband insults and humiliates his wife, there may be different reasons:

  1. The husband does not feel warm feelings for his wife. Not everyone understands that love must be supported. Therefore, in every family comes the moment of cooling feelings. During this period, it is necessary to try to maintain fading feelings and work to strengthen relations . If the spouses do not understand this, problems may arise in the family.
  2. My husband had a mistress. If the husband insults and humiliates his wife, he can force her to withdraw from such behavior, so that the responsibility for the decision to divorce lies on his wife.
  3. The husband has lost respect for his wife. There can also be many reasons for this. For example, a woman went to the decree, stopped taking care of herself, became uninteresting, grouchy, boring. In that case, she may start annoying him, but he himself may not understand what happened.
  4. The husband has a low self-esteem, therefore raises it due to humiliation of his wife.
  5. A wife allows insulting behavior towards herself, not wanting to aggravate an already strained relationship.
  6. The wife is strongly controlled by her husband, what causes the negative to her.

How to answer a husband for an insult?

Sometimes women think about whether to insult a husband. There is an unequivocal answer to this: one should not overlook any insult of the husband. Do not write off the rudeness that he is tired or hungry. It should immediately be said in a calm tone: "Please do not speak to me in this tone, otherwise we will have to stop talking."

Whatever the reason for the rudeness, you need to talk with your spouse and talk about your feelings about it. Explain that you are ready to change, if there is a problem, but on his part you need to be more tactful. If the husband does not want to hear anything and is not ready to work on the situation, then it is necessary to take more radical measures: parting for a while or even a divorce.