Home Adjika

In the translation from Abkhazian, the word "adjika" means salt. At us this word has absolutely other value. Adjika is an acute appetizer prepared from pepper, spicy seasonings, garlic and spices. This dish refers to the Abkhazian cuisine, but the Abkhaz themselves use a different name for it. There are a lot of varieties of Adjika, but in any recipe there are the main ingredients: salt, hot pepper and garlic. The real Abkhaz adzhika is prepared on a special flat stone and has a unique taste. The Abkhazians love the red and green adzhika most of all. In these dishes they add green herbs and their traditional spices.

Consider the traditional varieties of home Adjika:

  1. Adjika is sharp and red. The basis of this adzhika are: hot capsicum, salt, garlic and walnuts. As seasonings use coriander, dill, savory, basil, mint. Hot adzhika is served to meat and fish dishes.
  2. Green Adzhika. Home green adzhika is prepared from a large number of green herbs and spices - dill, mint, basil and others. Green peppers and salt are added to the herbs. Green adzhik is served to dishes from dairy products.
  3. A mixture of herbs. The mixture is prepared from spicy herbs, salt and chopped hot red pepper. This mixture is used as a separate seasoning and as the basis for many sauces.
  4. Georgian adzhika. Georgian Adzhika is made from sweet and hot red pepper, wine vinegar and a large number of spicy herbs, characteristic of Georgian cuisine.

Although tomatoes are not part of the traditional recipes of Adjika, on the territory of our country it is Adjika from tomato that has won the greatest popularity. And it is such adzhika most often found on festive tables or on store shelves. Home Adjika is an excellent snack for a family dinner and for any celebration. Each hostess prepares adzhika in her own way and adds to her dish her favorite ingredients. Preservation of adzhika and billets from Adzhika for the winter is no less popular than canned tomatoes and cucumbers. Preservation of Adjika is not a complicated and fast process, therefore Adjika often occurs on tables in the winter.

Modern housewives prepare adzhika from a wide variety of vegetables and even fruits. Home adzhika from plums, a tomato with horseradish, with apples, zucchini adzhika - these dishes are found not less often than adzhika from pepper.

Ways to prepare homemade Adjika

Any Adjika is prepared according to the same technology. Pepper and garlic must be passed through a meat grinder, add spices and salt to them, and mix well. After that adzhika should be spread out on cans and stored in a cool place.

If the recipe for Adjika includes aubergines, zucchini, apples, carrots, they must also be passed through a meat grinder.

In order to twist the blanks from Adzhika for the winter, the chopped vegetables must be cooked along with the salt and spices. After this cooked adzhika pour on the banks and roll.

Cooked adzhika is stored longer than fresh, but also has a different taste. For longer storage of fresh Adzhika, it is recommended to add a few table spoons of wine vinegar.

To get a sweet homemade adzhika during cooking, add a few tablespoons of sugar to the vegetables. Nutritionists say that spicy dishes contribute to appetite. Adjika performs not only this function. This spicy dish, prepared only from natural products, helps to improve the digestive process. Hot, delicious homemade ajika gives a more spicy taste to meat and fish dishes. With adzhika even the most familiar dish becomes a new taste.