How to love a person?

In the old days, they married and married without asking the consent of the young people, guided by the principle: "She will be patient - she will fall in love," and often those who walked under the crown did not feel any feelings for their future spouse.

Times have changed, and the question of the love of two is also acute. But how to fall in love with a person to whom you do not feel deep feelings, and whether you need to force yourself to love him.

He loves me, and I?

The situation in which one truly loves, and the other experiences just warm friendly feelings , is not new, but psychologists say that it is not hopeless.

How to fall in love with a man, if you do not love him, but he really enjoys you and is close in spirit? A feeling of love for him can be born if you really want it.

It's no secret that the love "African passion" burns brightly, and quickly burns. Strong long-term relationships are born on the basis of friendship and mutual respect. If a person who is in love with you, you are really dear, everything will turn out.

I want to love!

To love someone who loves you, psychologists say, is not at all difficult:

However, deciding whether you can love a person in time, do not force yourself to love someone who is unpleasant to you, or unworthy of your love . Violence over self and victims are out of place here: if there is no warmth and good feelings, it will not be tolerated and will not fall in love.