How to cook a potato cake at home?

In the original, the basis of the "Potato" cake is a biscuit cake . But it takes a lion's share of time to cook it. And if you consider that it should last as long as possible, then it will be possible to taste the finished cakes only the next day.

A perfect alternative to the classic recipe is the option of making pastries from cookies or biscuits. And if the desire to make a delicious dessert coincides with the need to find proper application to stale products, then the pleasure of a wonderful result is doubled.

In our recipes, we will tell you in detail how to properly prepare such cakes at home.

Cake "Potatoes" at home from cookies


For breading:


Any shortbread cookie, you can take "Jubilee" or "Creamed milk", grind it in any convenient way into small crumbs and define into a deep bowl. You can use a meat grinder, a blender or a conventional rolling-pin for this purpose.

In a separate saucepan or scoop, heat the milk, dissolve in it sugar and butter, not leading to a boil. Mix in a glass of cocoa powder with a tablespoon of warm water until uniform and pour into a hot milk mixture.

We connect the crushed cookies with the prepared chocolate milk, add if desired crushed finely walnuts, pour cognac or juice and mix. If necessary, if the mass is too liquid to form products, add a little starch.

We put the mass in a cool place for thirty minutes, and proceed to the formation of products. With moistened hands, roll balls or products of oblong form, we pan them in a mixture of powdered sugar and cocoa powder and put them on a dish, which must be placed in the refrigerator for at least an hour, covered with a film. If desired, you can decorate cakes with butter, simulating the eyes of a potato.

The recipe for making a cake "Potato" from crackers at home


For breading:


The ideal option for making "Potatoes" cakes will, of course, be vanilla crumbs, but you can also use breadcrumbs from regular bread. Grind them into small pieces, passing a couple of times through a meat grinder. In the same way, grind almonds, or break them in the bowl of the blender.

Milk pour into a saucepan or a ladle, add butter, cocoa, pre-dissolving it in a small amount of warm water, and determine the fire. Warm up to a temperature so that the oil is completely dissolved. Add the honey and mix the mass until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

In the resulting mixture, sprinkle crumbled crackers, almonds and knead well. Let's brew the dough in a cool place for thirty minutes. Then we form cakes oblong in the form of potato tubers. We pan the products in a mixture of cocoa, sugar powder and chopped almonds, we cool for an hour in the refrigerator and can serve for tea.