Conjunctivitis in cats

This common eye disease in cats is common, but not all lovers know what they need to do. Some believe that the attack itself will pass, and it does not pose a great danger. But this misconception is wrong - conjunctivitis can affect the general condition of the animal. They become lethargic, they do not want to play and weaken with time. With this problem it is not necessary to delay and it is necessary to turn to the veterinarian in time.

Conjunctivitis in cats - symptoms

This disease begins in the same way as in humans - itching, redness of the eyes, swelling of the cornea, profuse lachrymation, excretion of pus. There are several types of conjunctivitis:

  1. Follicular conjunctivitis. On the inner surface of the eyelids, tubercles may be formed, which are called follicles. The discharge of purulent fluid begins. The eyes of the cat seem to be covered with an incomprehensible cloudy shroud, which makes them squint. The animal tries not to go out into the bright light, hiding in a secluded place.
  2. Purulent conjunctivitis in cats. A stinking liquid is released from the eyes. The general condition is steadily deteriorating. The appetite is lost in the animal, the temperature rises, digestion may be disturbed (diarrhea or vomiting). The eyelids of the sick animal stick together.
  3. Parenchymal conjunctivitis. Inflammation affects the entire surface of the eyes. Mucous blushes, swelling becomes menacing. Begins except pus to secrete blood, and the disease can lead to complete blindness.
  4. Allergic conjunctivitis in cats. Usually begins the disease with profuse lachrymation and a small accumulation of pus in the corners of the cat's eyes. But if you do not take measures in time, then everything can lead to inflammation and purulent discharge.

How to treat conjunctivitis in cats?

Only a specialist can find out the cause of the scourge, and prescribe an effective treatment. Allergic conjunctivitis is treated with anti-inflammatory and antihistamine drugs. They try to eliminate the cause of such an organism reaction - household chemical preparations, plants. Viral conjunctivitis in cats requires other treatment - eyewash, injections, drops, tablets or ointments. Find out which antibiotics (cefotaxam, sinulox, etc.) or other medications to use will help the laboratory planting for sensitivity. Immunostimulants, which are prescribed in the form of injections, will also help. To the cat does not touch the sick eye, you have to wear her special collars.

An effective method of preventing conjunctivitis in cats is vaccination against chlamydia, feline herpesvirus and calicivirus. Daily it is necessary for your pets to wipe their eyes with moist tampons and make sure that there is no small debris left. It is noted that this disease is much less likely to affect animals with strong immunity, as well as having good care.