How to cook beef goulash with gravy?

The optimal source of animal proteins and fats, important trace elements - beef, this type of meat is recommended for dietary nutrition.

Even in old cookbooks, several options were given, how to prepare a beef goulash with gravy, what can we say about today's day, when you can find hundreds of recipes for this dish. But let's talk, how to cook properly, to make it delicious.

The key to success is good meat

It is so self-evident that they forget about this factor periodically, but after all, from a meat of an old animal, from a frozen product, a delicious dish will not work. So go to the market and choose meat fresh or chilled. Pay attention to the color of the pulp and fat. The flesh must be red (dark shade), but not maroon or crimson, and the fat is still white. Pink fat is a sign that the carcass was broken wrongly, and the cream color will indicate the advanced age of the animal. Of course, choose fresh meat - an elastic surface and a pleasant meat smell will help to determine a quality product.

A classic recipe for beef goulash with gravy.

This is how the Magyars prepared it, although we will have a stove instead of a fire, but otherwise we will not deviate from the classical recipe.



For cooking goulash we take cauldron, and, while the fat melts, cut small pieces of meat. Quickly fry the pieces in fat - the crust should form. We add a chopped onion rings, onions, flour, mashed tomatoes (you can pass through a meat grinder or use a grater), paprika and pepper. Cover the lid and cook on the slowest fire for about an hour and a half, of course, stirring occasionally. If the sauce becomes too thick, add a little bit of any meat or vegetable broth. Solim at the very end.

Beef goulash with sour cream sauce

This goulash will appeal to those who do not like tomato. The meat will turn out soft and soft, and the gravy is very tasty, lighter and creamy in taste.



In the cauldron, heat the oil until a light haze appears and very quickly fry the meat, achieving a uniform crust. Add finely chopped onions, paprika, flour, pepper and a little broth. Cook under the lid, stirring and pouring broth as necessary for an hour and a half. 5 minutes before the salt is ready and we put sour cream. Ready goulash can be seasoned with garlic and fresh herbs.

It is very simple to cook a beef goulash with gravy in a multivark. To do this, in the "frying" mode, we cook beef with onions for 10 minutes, then add the remaining ingredients and change the mode to "quenching". We leave goulash for an hour and a half to stew, in the meantime, you can do a lot of things in the household.

Cooking goulash from pork and beef with gravy is not worth it - yet the meat has very different cooking times and, while the beef is cooked, pork will become completely different.