Raising a German Shepherd puppy

Choosing a dog in the house, many people pay attention to German shepherds . Why? The fact is that this breed is recognized as the most intelligent and fearless, and having it in the house guarantees the safety of property and family members. However, in order for the best qualities of the animal to fully open, you need to start to educate it since childhood. How to organize the education of a puppy of a German shepherd and what are the principal moments in this process? About this below.

Care, education and training of the German Shepherd

In many owners of dogs, education is reduced to strikes with a leash or kick by the pet's foot. On the development of personal qualities in this case, even we are not talking. But when it turns out that out of a tiny puppy a huge strong dog has grown up that does not obey commands and has a lot of bad habits, then this brings a lot of problems.

To avoid them it is advisable to start studying with a dog from the second month of life. By the 6th month the puppy should already respond to his name, go to the toilet on the street and perform the commands "Place", "App", "Sit", "Lie" and "To Me." Up to six months the sheep-dog needs to be trained in a play form, without applying punishment and violence. For each correctly executed command, give a treat and iron the dog so that he understands the principle of training.

When training, try not to overdo it. That is, do not overload the puppy with workouts and do not give monotonous commands, otherwise it may lose interest. If you go from a walk home, and the dog does not go to the phrase "To me!", Then distract him, play a little, and then go home.

To bring up education was smooth and correct, adhere to the following principles:

Tips for raising a German Shepherd

When training a sheepdog, it is important to consider the nature of its breed and not to experiment with complex techniques. Experienced cynologists have identified several important rules that will help you when raising an animal:

  1. The owner takes food first. Feed the shepherd only after you eat it yourself. So you will teach her to patience. Never give food from a table and do not allow to enter the kitchen. After the bowl is filled with food, make the dog perform a certain command ("sit", "place", "lie" or "can"). At this moment the team will be executed as never before interested and quickly.
  2. The owner does not allow to take his own, but pretends to be "dog." The bed, the place of the master is a taboo! Do not let the shepherd go to bed, and even more so, to sleep there. This can lead to disrespect for the owner's dog. To disaccustom her to sleep on the bed in your absence, set the mousetraps - they will not harm, but the desire to sleep in the place of the owner will be repulsed. Periodically pretend to the place of the dog, driving it from the litter. So you show your superiority.
  3. Do not forget the leash. Raising the German Shepherd until a year, start only if there is a short leash. He is the key to obedience and discipline, makes a sheepdog dependent on you. Only let the puppy leave the leash with the "walk" command.
  4. The master does not allow to be evil without a reason. Suppress unjustified aggression. In punishment, take the withers and bend to the ground, expressing in a serious tone what you think about it. This procedure of suggestion should be used from childhood.