Decorative rabbits - care and feeding

Before you buy a decorative rabbit , plan carefully the main points: who will be responsible for the maintenance and care, where you will give him a corner in his house.

Caring for a decorative rabbit and feeding it - it's as difficult as caring for a small child: it takes a lot of time, effort, and do not take it lightly.

Decorative rabbits - care and content

Acquire the baby at a month's age, since before that time he is breastfeeding.

Proper nutrition and care for rabbits is easier to implement with the help of special tools. Be sure to buy a rabbit a large cage with a plastic bottom at least sixty centimeters in length. Cover the bottom of the cage with straw or hay. Buy a nursery for hay, since in a cage without them hay can deteriorate. You need a trough: heavy ceramic (so that the grown rabbit does not overturn it) or a metal hinged that is attached to the cage. Drinking bowl is necessary hinged automatic.

The cage should be in such a place that there is no draft and away from the battery.

Proper feeding of rabbits

Young rabbits are fed hay and mixed fodder with the addition of oatmeal. In the diet of feeding rabbits add special feed mixtures from the pet store. To train a rabbit to a new food should be gradually, gradually increasing the proportion of new food in the old, familiar to him food. Fresh hay in the cage should always be.

To water rabbits you need ordinary tap water, since bottled water contains too many mineral salts - this causes urolithiasis. And in boiled water there are too few minerals, and the body will experience their lack.

Lure fruit, vegetable and green grass are given to rabbits no younger than two months old. We also introduce them into the diet on a small piece a day, gradually increasing the amount of complementary foods. We begin to give cabbage to rabbits from the age of three months.

Buy a rabbit in a pet store mineral stone (red-brown, not white) and the body with a lack of minerals can replenish them by licking such a stone. You do not need to often give rabbits a drop (a special treat for rabbits, often recommended in pet stores) - it is, of course, delicious and rabbits are delighted with it, but it harms health with frequent use.

Be careful with vitamin supplements: an overdose of vitamins is more harmful to the body than a defect.

Do not give the rabbit products that have an uncharacteristic smell or moldy patches. Hay must also be fresh. Make sure that there are no weevils or other pests in the rabbit's food. Change the litter in the cage at least twice a week. It should not be wet or dirty - otherwise the rabbit will fall ill. Watch for the cleanliness of the tray - rabbits do not like dirty toilet.

Every day, let the rabbit out of the cage to walk for half an hour or more. Remove the excess from the floor if you do not want the rabbit to eat it. Especially make sure that there are no wires on the floor. If a rabbit gnaws wallpaper or furniture - it most likely lacks calcium. Buy a chalk in the pet shop, grind it and add it to food or water. You can also put a couple of twigs of fruit trees in the cage, so that the rabbit sharpens the teeth on them. Adult rabbits go to the toilet in the same place, you can accustom them to a plastic tray.

Carefully watch the health of your pet and in case of problems: decreased activity, poor appetite or other bad symptoms - contact the veterinarian for help.