Contents of males in the aquarium

Fish cocks are very popular aquarists, they have an original, bright color, look quite exotic, while they have a fighting nature. To keep fishes of males in the aquarium, it is necessary to observe certain conditions. To keep this kind of fish does not require a lot of experience and special skills, so they can be started by novice aquarists.

Rules and peculiarities of residence of males in domestic aquariums

  1. Choosing an aquarium . Petushki can be kept in a large aquarium or in a small one. The comfortable living of one individual requires three to four liters of water. If the capacity of the aquarium is large, then it can be demarcated with the help of special partitions with holes for water circulation, which are made of transparent, environmentally friendly materials.
  2. Partitions . Divided into several parts, the aquarium will help ensure the simultaneous residence of several males without worrying about their health. Next to the partitions, you can plant high aquarium plants that will visually fish the fish and limit unwanted contacts.
  3. Cover . Above the aquarium, it is desirable to stretch the mesh or equip it with a lid with holes that allow air to pass through, as the males have the ability to jump high enough above the surface of the water.
  4. Water temperature . The optimal temperature regime of water for the content of males in the aquarium is 23-27 degrees, but even a significant decrease in it to 18 degrees can be tolerated fairly if staying in cool water is not long, otherwise it will lead to illness and death of individuals.
  5. Prevention of diseases . A good product is a special salt, which should be added to the water at the rate of ½ of a teaspoon, diluted in three liters of water.
  6. Maintain cleanliness . Roosters should be kept in clean water, this is a prerequisite, which must be strictly observed. Water should be changed once every 12-14 days, if the aquarium has a large capacity, and every three to four days, if the aquarium is small. The water composition should have stiffness parameters in the range 5-15, acidity 6.5-7.5.
  7. Saturation of water with oxygen . For breathing, the small frog uses not only the gills, but also an additional special organ - a "labyrinth", which requires blood that is well saturated with oxygen. His cock receives from the air that he swallows with his mouth, so it is desirable (but not necessary) for the water to have an aeration system and, of course, filters for cleaning, the capacity of the system should be small, since this kind of fish does not like strong currents.
  8. On the surface of the aquarium should not be a lot of vegetation, fish should provide easy access to the surface of the water so that they can swallow the air without hindrance. For a better biological balance, it is better to acquire living plants than artificial ones and they must occupy at least a third of the aquarium.

  9. Ground . As a primer, river sand or gravel should be used, but you can use a special composition purchased in the pet shop, pre-washed in a jet of hot water.

Fish cockerel is inactive, small in size (maximum 7 cm), so it is possible to keep it in a small aquarium with a capacity of two to five liters, it will feel comfortable enough in it, living alone. It is desirable to keep the fish in a small aquarium for a short time, only for the time of acclimatization. Since the size of the aquarium will not allow the use of equipment for water heating and filtration, it should be placed in a warm but not hot place and especially carefully monitor the temperature and cleanliness.