Treatment of kidney folk remedies

No one is immune to kidney problems. Incorrect nutrition, non-observance of a normal rhythm of life, stress - all these are the causes of many diseases, including kidney diseases. Ignoring kidney disease is very dangerous. Treatment is best to start immediately after detection. And if you do not want to get involved with medications, you can try to pick up a curative course from folk remedies.

Treatment of kidney inflammation with folk remedies

Inflammation of the kidneys or nephritis is one of the most common problems. If you do not take up the treatment of this disease in time, it can develop into an acute or chronic form. In this case, treatment will be longer and more complex. At the initial stages, you can cope with the disease by simple folk methods:

  1. To treat inflammation of the kidney folk remedies can be used decoction of flaxseed . Prepare it is very simple: pour a teaspoon of seeds with water (one glass will be enough), boil and leave to infuse for a couple of hours. Dense broth can be diluted with boiled water and drink half the glass every two hours. Two days of treatment usually suffice with a head.
  2. Excellent helps a decoction of seeds of quince and juniper berries. Cook it at a low heat for half an hour.
  3. You can brew cucumber grass with flowers: a couple tablespoons of a dry mixture is poured with boiling water and is insisted for several hours, after which it is carefully filtered. Add sugar to the resulting liquid. Take up to six times a day on a tablespoon.

Treatment of hydronephrosis and polycystic kidney folk remedies

A dangerous and very unpleasant kidney disease is hydronephrosis. It is characterized by distention of the kidneys, because of which the normal work of the organ is disrupted, and it does not cope with its basic filtering responsibilities. Unpleasant and polycystosis is a hereditary disease, in which a large number of cysts are formed in the tissues of the organ.

Professional treatment of both problems is perfectly combined with folk methods:

  1. A collection of birch leaves , sporrows, corn stigmas, bearberry and horsetail is useful. Crushed dry mixture should be poured with boiling water and leave to infuse for the night. Drink collection is recommended three times a day for a quarter of a glass. If desired, you can sweeten the drink with honey or jam.
  2. For the treatment of hydronephrosis of the kidney folk remedies, collection from the string, chamomile, currant, raspberry, ayr and kidney tea is also excellent. The recipe for cooking and the way to use the decoction is similar to the previous one.
  3. From polycystosis, walnuts are rescued, ground and diluted with honey. The mixture should be infused for about a month, after which this delicious medicine can be started taking on a teaspoon in parallel with the strengthening Echinacea.
  4. Another cool tool against polycystosis is the juice of burdock.

Treatment of angiomyolipoma and kidney cancer folk remedies

And cancer, and angiomyolipoma of the kidneys, as you understand, the disease is more than serious, therefore, it is necessary to treat them responsibly under the supervision of a specialist. To support the same organism, people's recipes will do just fine.

  1. A malignant tumor, of course, needs to be removed. Spirituous tincture of propolis will only help to relieve the condition of the patient. Take it necessary, diluting in boiled water. The standard dose is thirty drops. Drink tincture is recommended three times a day before meals. A three-month course is considered the most effective.
  2. Lipoma - a tumor of the kidney, and treatment of its folk remedies involves the use of wormwood tincture. Wormwood not only can reduce the size of the tumor, but also purify the blood. Twenty drops of the drug must be taken three times a day.
  3. Walnuts, among other things, have powerful antitumour agents. Broken and filled with moonshine shells should be infused for two weeks. To drink it follows one teaspoon per day.