What to feed a rat and what foods should be excluded?

Is there a new pet in your house? It's time to find out what to feed a rat, that it can be given from food, and that is strictly forbidden, than one can indulge her occasionally, and what she can eat without any restriction. Although the rats are not particularly fastidious in food, they can not be fed "what is horrible". Their diet should be balanced, and the food - properly cooked.

What to feed a decorative rat at home?

Like all living things, rats are susceptible to various diseases , which can be triggered by an incorrect way of life and an incorrectly formulated diet. Before you learn about what to feed a home decorative rat, you need to mention a number of important points:

List of foods that can be fed to a domestic rat:

  1. Cereals and grains : buckwheat, millet, barley, rice, rye.
  2. Berries and fruits: watermelon, apricots, avocado, pineapple, hawthorn, grapes, cherry, melon, strawberry / strawberry, cranberry, raspberry, mango, peaches, mountain ash, currant, persimmon, bilberry, dogrose, apples.
  3. Vegetables and greens: basil, zucchini, coriander, carrots, cucumbers, parsley, lettuce, celery, pumpkin, dill, zucchini.
  4. Animal protein : hamarus, seafood, lean meat, meat by-products, eggs.
  5. Dairy products: yoghurt, kefir, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk.

What to feed a pregnant rat?

A special moment in the life of a pet is the bearing of offspring. Quite naturally you will be interested in the question of what to feed the rat at home while she is pregnant. The diet of her during this period should be as varied as possible and consist of useful products. You do not need to abuse unhealthy treats. Instead of biscuits, it's better to treat her with a baby curd without additives. Every day she must eat fruit and vegetable. Do not forget about animal protein, but give meat or eggs no more than 2-3 times a week. If the cage is not chalky and mineral stone - it's time to buy them.

What to feed a newborn rat?

The feeding rat needs to be fed intensively so that the children can get good nutrition without harming their mother. During this period it is better to give liquid food, because the rat will have little time to chew on dry food. It is necessary to give lure twice a day, alternating sour-milk products and animal protein, without restricting it in fruits and vegetables. So, what can you feed the birth of a domestic rat:

How can you feed a small rat?

If it so happens that the rat mom refused to feed the offspring for one reason or another, you will have to feed the kids yourself through a syringe or catheter. What to feed a newborn rat is an extremely important issue. The first couple of days you can keep it on pure goat milk. Then gradually transfer to a dry milk mixture, mixing it with goat milk. As the prevention of enteritis after each feeding, you need to drip on the tongue of the prebiotic rat "Biovestin".

Than it is possible to feed ornamental rats that have grown a little:

Is it possible to feed a rat with meat?

Animal protein is necessary for rats, but you need to know how to properly feed the rat with meat. Firstly, raw meat is completely unacceptable. It should be boiled or cooked for a couple, necessarily low-fat. It can be beef mixed with a bird. Secondly, it is not necessary to be zealous with the number of such products, since an overabundance of protein is harmful to the body and leads to its rapid aging. Let's rat meat a couple of times a week - not more often.

Can I feed the rat with cheese?

We are used to seeing in cartoons how rats go crazy with cheese. In fact, these pets are not at all its enthusiastic amateurs, and this is for the better, since this product contributes to obesity. The feeding of decorative rats with cheese should be moderate - every 2 days and in small quantities. In this case, the cheese must be unshakable and unsalted. Varieties of cheese with mold are generally unacceptable in the diet of rats.

Can I feed a banana of domestic rats?

Green bananas are a product forbidden to rats. Ripe ones are very useful and desirable. They are ideal for daily meals. Generally, domestic rats are very fond of fruit and vegetables, and due to this nutrition they get all the necessary vitamins for good growth and development. What to feed a rat except for bananas: regularly give your pet apples, dates, plums, blueberries, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, cranberries, fresh cucumbers (except for the period of pregnancy and infancy), cabbage, carrots, pumpkin, tomatoes.

How many times a day do you need to feed a rat?

Since these rodents are able to chew round the clock, the next question arises - how often to feed the rat so that it is not hungry, but at the same time it does not overeat. Obesity to it to anything, because the food should not be in constant access. In addition, the remnants of food intake should be cleaned immediately. His ration of food the rat should receive 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening. In this morning it should be rather light snack, but the evening portion should be much more nutritious, which is explained by the nightlife of the animal.

The exception is the pregnant and lactating rat. It should be fed 3-4 times a day. Frequent and fractional nutrition is necessary for small rats. It is advisable to carry out feeding always at the same time, so that the rodent does not have problems with digestion. For the same reason, you can not dramatically change the ration of animals. Any new product should be introduced gradually.

What can not feed a domestic rat?

Selecting the ideal diet for rodents, you need to know what you can feed a rat, and why not. And the last is much more important, because some products are literally poisonous for rats. Here's what you can not feed a rat:

From herbal food to deadly dangerous for rats are the following plants: