Copper vitriol against mold

Mold is a common problem in modern homes. And this is not surprising, because now very widely used plastic windows, they are installed in absolutely all new dwellings, and in the old they are actively replaced by wooden ones. The reasons why plastic windows love so much, because they perfectly keep heat in the room, prevent the penetration of street noise inside, they are easy to wash, they do not blow. However, plastic windows also have a huge drawback - they are the cause of poor air circulation in the house, due to what often occurs mold. This fungus is formed on the slopes of windows, as well as at the joints of walls and in other secluded corners. The cause of the appearance of mold can be high humidity in the room, poor ventilation. With this kind of fungus you need to fight, because it can become the basis of allergies , as well as such a serious disease as asthma. One of the effective ways to combat mold on the walls is copper sulfate.

How to treat mold with copper sulfate?

Copper sulphate is a rather effective remedy against mold, but it is necessary to work with it very carefully. Treatment with copper sulfate of places damaged from mold should be carried out exclusively with gloves in order to avoid undesirable reactions when this product contacts the skin. Another thing - sometimes mold is on the ceiling, so when processing it, you need to take care of protecting the face and especially the eyes. Here you will need a mask and glasses.

Copper vitriol against mold should be used, observing specific proportions. In a bucket of warm water, 100 g of copper sulfate are bred. It is a powder of blue color, officially called "copper sulphate". For a higher efficiency, a glass of vinegar, as well as 200 g of vitriol, can be added to this mixture. Instead of vinegar it is permissible to use household chemicals that contain chlorine. Obtained means should be carefully treated sites damaged by mold. Sometimes the procedure must be repeated many times. After finishing the work, the room must be well ventilated. Another thing - a surface treated with copper sulfate can remain slightly bluish.

Copper sulfate - the rules of the most effective use of mold

Many people do this very badly, but sometimes the mold reaches such a scale that it can not be done without repair work. Here's what you need to do:

  1. Remove the wallpaper from the fungal wall sections.
  2. Using a spatula remove the putty and plaster where, due to the harmful effects of mold, they become soft and loose.
  3. Qualitatively clean the area where the fungus was.
  4. With a solution of copper sulfate, treat the area where the mold was.
  5. Repeat the treatment after 5 hours.
  6. Priming the wall with an antiseptic solution.

If done right, copper vitriol will do its job and mold in this area should no longer appear. But in order to prevent this kind of fungus, you need to apply adequate preventive measures. Any room needs regular ventilation, ventilation, and cleaning. Pores of mold adhere to dust and thus spread throughout the house, so wherever pure, this fungus rarely appears. After each wet cleaning, washing, cooking and other procedures that can increase the humidity in the room, you must necessarily ventilate it. That's all the simple rules that allow you not to resort to copper sulfate in the future.